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Jan 15, 2014

Natural rimedies :ORANGE CURES

All citrus fruits have strong medicinal properties , but the most widely used in herbal medicine is bitter orange (Citrus aurantium ) . Its fruits are also used for the preparation of delicious candies and jams, but this cheerful and fragrant evergreen tree folk medicine has always exploited all: seeds, flowers , leaves, bark .

Digestive liqueurs and essences calming .
 Just peel is prepared with a famous liquor degistivo , the curaçao , while leaves and flowers have always been used to soothe the nerves and promote sleep especially in children. This is also the only plant to give three different types of substances is obtained from the flowers neroli , precious essence rejuvenating and aphrodisiac properties , while another essential oil, petit grain , is extracted from the leaves and twigs , and a third from rind of the fruit ( it is abundantly used in perfumery ) . The orange, astrologically connected to the Sun ( its fruit is a miniature of our astro ) and chakra ( energy center ) of the heart is a symbol of vitality , optimism and pure love. It is no coincidence his candied flowers and scented (also called orange blossom ) traditionally accompany the brides to the altar , as a wish for happiness and fertility .

 " Alternative "Uses

At home : The simplest and most natural deodorant ? Thread thirty cloves in an orange and you have one or more types of fruit here and there in the rooms . Ideal for kitchen and living room.

For beauty : An anti-aging oil ? Soak a handful of orange flowers in two tablespoons of water and one of vinegar, honey. After two hours, add a glass of sweet almond oil and let it sit for 24 hours. Filter and use it twice a day to pat your face.

In the kitchen : Use distilled water with orange flowers (found in herbal medicine ) to flavor your cakes. Its use is most famous in the Neapolitan pastries .

In the world : In China, bitter orange peel , Zhishi , is used for centuries against constipation , abdominal bloating and food poisoning.

Attention ! After treatment with essences of citrus , avoid exposure to the sun can give you allergies.

Active ingredients and properties

The orange is a mine of active ingredients , including essential oils , flavonoids , vitamins ( its juices are the most classic supply of vitamin C) and carotenoids .

1 . The rind ( pericarp ) , with a characteristic bitter taste - aromatic , it is recommended to deal with all the stomach problems   poor digestion  from acidity , but can also be useful to treat lack of appetite.

2 . Given that many of its principles have sedative capacity  , bitter orange can give you a hand too boring to fight ailments such as colitis and those forms of nervousness that cause problems in the stomach .

3 . Recent studies have identified several substances in the skin that stimulate the metabolism of fats : this is the extract of Citrus aurantium may contribute to the success of a diet and is then inserted in a number of slimming products .

4 . The infusions of leaves and flowers calms the nervous system, promote sleep (especially in children) and can help reduce palpitations .

5 . The infusions of leaves and flowers are also ideal against flatulence and intestinal disorders.

6 . The essences of orange , used on the skin, has anti-inflammatory properties and anti-aging, firming skin , smoothed wrinkles and purify skin with acne .

7 . Mixed with essence of orange cypress is great against cellulite , especially in ... orange peel !

How to find it

Flowers & Leaves : An infusion (leave a spoonful of flowers and leaves in a cup of boiling water for 10 minutes) improves sleep , calms the nerves and fights headaches.

Zest : Three cups a day of decoction ( two teaspoons in a cup of hot water , boiled for one minute and allowed to stand for another 10 ) fight the problems of the stomach and small intestine.

Essential Oil: The neroli, extracted from fresh flowers , fights black humor , is an aphrodisiac and regenerates the skin . Put a drop in your favorite cream ( dosage: one drop per teaspoon of cream ) . The petit grain , which comes from the leaves and twigs , it is fresh and delicate , try a relaxing massage with two drops to a tablespoon of sweet almond oil . Finally, the oil extracted from the rind has a rich, fruity scent that infuses joy. If you're down or you're feeling tense and melancholy , massaggiane a couple of drops directly on the solar plexus or at the level of the heart.

Jan 13, 2014

Onion juice help heal the diabetes disease

put An onion divided into four parts,  in a glass filled with tap water, cover with lid and leave 8-10 hours in a dark place.
In the morning draine the water  from onions and sober drunk. no longer of  10 minutes. This - cure must continue without interruption for 40 days
The alternative doctors  advise that  This "grass" especially is for balancing blood sugar, to diabetics.
But not only that, this miraculous juice fights and fights sight disorders in a very large  digestive parasites measure  and bowel, as well as plenty of other diseases.
 drinking this juice has no side effect on the body.
Onion curative properties are known to ancient times, and  after the disappointment of the modern medicine man is returning rapidly, to traditional medicines

Bitter melon juice cures the most dangerous tumors

a New research reveals  that the juice  from  bitter melon , this vegetable known in Asia and Africa , significantly reduces the growth of pancreatic tumors in mice, because  inhibits the metabolism of glucose in tumor cells and makes them hungry for sugar,  without this can,t survive . Already known are  numerous health benefits associated with consumption of bitter melon . This plant , with the Latin name ' Momordica charanna ' , is grown and consumed in much of Southeast Asia , Africa , China, Japan , Oceania , and even in the Caribbean. It is particularly popular among japones of Okinawa, who are known for long life. Over the past four years the reserches analyzing the ' effect of this plant against cancer. effect is also seems to help breastcancer  , prostate, liver, stomach and noise- pharyngeal cancers , and even in those cases of leukemia and neuroblastome. Study reveals that bitter melon has cytotoxic effect on cancer of pancrease . People who weigh 75 kg should consume 6 grams of this  powder. Similar dose of 4.8 grams of frozen juice is used as part of a study recently . In fact, is been used for  three months in patients with metabolic syndrome. The drug had a positive effect on all patients