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Aug 10, 2014

Banana benefits and Healing Properties

Banana benefits the heart and improves nerve function. It also works as a natural antacid andmild laxative.
Moreover, banana affects your mood and makes you feel relaxed. It is low in fat and rich in dietary fiber and phytonutrients.

There are over 300 varieties of banana in the world. It is a healthy snack and consideredparticularly good for athletes as it helps sustain energy levels. Bananas contain plenty of carbohydrates but they are cholesterol-free and low in fat.
Scientific Name: Musa acuminata, Musa balbisiana
Other Names: Plantain, Kela, Kadali, Kadalamu, Ariti, Baelehannu

Native Region

Banana is native to the Indo-Malaysian region. It is primarily cultivated in India, China, Brazil, Philippines, Indonesia, Mexico, Thailand, Costa Rica and Colombia. It belongs to the Musaceae family.

Healing Properties

Eating bananas on a regular basis strengthens the immune system (because of vitamin B6) and regulates the bowel system. Plus, scientific studies suggest that this fruit lowers the risk of developing age-related macular degeneration.
Banana benefits in controlling high blood pressure as it is high in potassium and low in sodium. In fact, in a recent study, researchers found that subjects who ate two bananas in a day for a full week reported 10% reduction in the blood pressure.
Moreover, banana lowers the risk of heart disease and stroke. Regular consumption of bananas reduces the risk of breast cancer and renal cell carcinoma.
This fruit is good for bone health and kidneys, too, as its high potassium content suppresses the excretion of calcium through urine.
Plus, this fruit (when ripe) promotes healthy digestion and cures issues like indigestion,diarrhea, constipation, hyperacidity and heartburn. Banana is particularly good when dealing with gastrointestinal problems in case of children.
Another benefit of banana is that it protects against stomach ulcers and damage caused by such ulcers because it neutralizes the acidity of gastric juices and builds a protective coating against stomach acids.
Taking bananas along with a high fiber diet is useful in maintaining proper blood sugar levels in the body. Usually, under ripe bananas are considered better for people suffering from diabetes.
Relieving menstrual cramps, reducing water retention, controlling morning sickness, and curing anemia are some other benefits of banana.
Plus, banana is good for those who are trying to quit smoking because it helps the bodyrecover from nicotine withdrawal effects.
In terms of nutrition, banana is rich in vitamin A, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, vitamin C, dietary fiber, potassium, calcium, copper, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, sodium, and sulfur.
Moreover, it contains thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, essential fatty acids, and antioxidants. It has a an amino acid called tryptophan that helps reduce depression and relieves symptoms like irritability and lack of sleep.

Medicinal Uses of Banana

  • • Mash a ripe banana with help of a folk, add a cup of milk in it, and consume it to get rid of indigestion. Taking this banana home remedy two to three times in a day helps curepiles.

  • • Having a mashed banana mixed with one teaspoon each of tamarind pulp and salt is useful in getting rid of diarrhea. Children can be given a mixture of boiled white rice and mashed banana.
  • • Regular consumption of a ripe banana benefits individuals suffering from constipation. Eating a banana after a meal relieves heartburn.

  • • Being high in potassium and vitamin C, bananas play an important role in the natural treatment of gout.

  • • When dealing with anemia, consume a mashed banana (ripe) mixed with a tablespoon of Indian gooseberry (amla) juice.

  • • Prepare a mixture by half a cup of yogurt, a teaspoon of honey and a ripe, mashed banana in a cup of coconut water. Consume this mixture two times in a day to help in the treatment of tuberculosis.

  • • Consume a mashed banana mixed with a tablespoon of honey is beneficial in healing ailments like typhoid and jaundice. Follow this therapy two times in a day for a few days.

  • • Benefits of banana can also be derived by having banana stem juice about three times in a week in order to heal urinary tract infection. It helps dissolve kidney stones as well. Extract this juice from the soft inner white portion of a plantain bark.

  • • Simply eating more bananas helps relieve PMS. Plus, it works as a natural mood enhancer. Consuming cooked banana flower along with yogurt works as a home medicine to reduce bleeding.

  • • Eating a ripe banana mixed with a quarter teaspoon of powdered black pepper is useful in getting rid of cough. Follow this therapy two to three times in a day.

  • • Having banana milkshake sweetened with honey works as a wonderful home remedy forhangover.

  • • When dealing with bed sores, spread honey on a banana leaf and lie on it for a few hours to cure the problem. You can follow this procedure for treating small pox, too.

  • • Another benefit of banana is that the soft inner portion of its peel can be applied on skin overnight to heal warts naturally. You can use a surgical tape to hold the banana skin on the affected area. Follow this therapy daily for a couple of weeks.

  • • Applying a fresh banana leaf on skin for a few hours is valuable in the natural treatment of boils and psoriasis. It relieves skin irritation, too.

  • • Rubbing the inside of a banana peel on mosquito bites provides relief from symptoms like itching and inflammation. It can be applied to soothe poison ivy rashes as well.

  • • Applying juice extracted from banana flowers or leaves is helpful in healing burns. You can also apply mashed banana and cover the affected area with betel leaves.

  • • Massaging your face with mashed banana and washing it off after 15-20 minutesreduces wrinkles on skin.

  • • Using a banana hair pack on scalp and hair can help you get rid of dry, damaged hair. Mix half a banana and half an avocado in a blender. Apply this thin paste on your hair and rinse it off after half an hour. You can also add a few tablespoons of yogurt and vitamin E oil in this hair pack.

Unripe green tipped bananas are often used for cooking. Brown specked ones, on the other hand, can be used for baking breads, cookies, etc. Yellow bananas can be eaten as high calorie snacks or mixed in salads, shakes, smoothies, and so on.
Ripe bananas can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two weeks as it prevents the fruit ripening further. On the downside, it makes the banana turn black.
Interestingly, it is believed that eating food served on banana leaves helps avoid the risk of food poisoning and infection.


Individuals suffering from latex allergyare likely to be allergic to bananas as well. Though banana benefits in curing a number of ailments still, excessive consumption of this fruit can causeindigestion.

The benefits of dragon Fruit

Dragon fruit – the new super fruit, is also known as Pitaya. It is said to possess remarkable health-giving properties.
It is native to South America and grows from a cactus plant. Because of the growing nature of its popularity it is being widely harvested in Thailand, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Philippines and even Bangladesh.

The dragon fruit has a delicate smell. The taste and texture is often said to be a blend of kiwi fruit and pear. Sometimes it is also likened to a melon. Its flesh is filled with edible black seeds. The skin is scaly and experts suggest that it is not fit for eating.
The dragon fruit has three varieties –
  • • Red skin and white flesh
  • • Yellow skin and white flesh
  • • Red skin and pink flesh

The benefits of dragon fruit may be listed as follows

  1. Rich in Vitamins and Minerals
    Dragon fruit is said to be rich in Vitamin C, Vitamins B1, B2 and B3. The yellow Pitaya is said to be a good source of calcium which strengthens teeth and bones naturally, while the red skinned ones have significant amounts of phosphorous which is also essentially needed by the body to function properly.
    Sufficient amounts of phosphorous in the body, in particular, help increase energy levels. Iron is also one of the main components of this fruit, which is good for the blood.
  2. Rich in Fiber and Protein
    The flesh of the dragon fruit is rich in fiber which benefits those suffering fromconstipation. Plus, its high protein content makes it a good choice for those striving to lose weight as it boosts the metabolism.
  3. Good for Diabetes
    Dragon fruit is said to have the ability to lower blood glucose levels, thereby making it a healthy fruit for people with diabetes. In Taiwan especially, people with diabetes are urged by doctors to consume dragon fruit.
  4. Contains Healthy Fats
    The tiny black seeds of the dragon fruit are a rich source of Omega-3 fats and mono-unsaturated fats, both of which are healthy fats that do not increase the cholesterol levels in the body. On an average, there are over a 1000 seeds in a dragon fruit.
  5. Loaded with Antioxidants
    Dragon fruit, being a real food is extremely rich in antioxidants. It has a large variety of antioxidant substances which help the body fight free radicals that may damage the cells and DNA, thus acting as deterrents to many diseases, including cancer.
  6. Boosts Immune System
    As this super fruit is rich in Vitamin C, it helps a great deal in boosting the immune system and protecting the body from harmful infections.

  1. Vitamin C is also said to rid the body of harmful toxins and metals. It also enables quick healing of wounds, cuts and bruises. Eating this fruit on a regular basis is said to be beneficial in fighting against asthma and cough.
  2. Protects the Heart
    Dragon fruits are rich in flavonoids that have been linked to having a favorable effect inprotecting the heart from cardio related diseases. Furthermore, the healthy fat content prevents cholesterol build-up. Low levels of cholesterol always help maintain a good condition of the heart.
  3. Helps in Digestion
    Having rich fiber content, eating a dragon fruit will help in digestion as fiber rich foods are known to aid in digestion and relieve constipation.
    In addition, it can help clear the colon of toxic elements and thus, reduce the risk of colon cancer. Some studies also suggest dragon fruit to have pro-biotic components.
    Moreover, it is believed that eating this fruit helps increase the appetite, making it a healthy choice for those suffering from a loss of appetite due to an illness or some other reason.
  4. Good for the Skin
    With nearly 90% water content, the dragon fruit is rich in moisture, and moisture is good for the skin. The dragon fruit hence, provides for ample moisture in the diet which, in turn, helps maintain a healthy and glowing skin.
Consumption of dragon fruit has no known side effects. However if having it for the first time, eat it early in the day so that if there any adverse reactions, they can be easily taken care of.

Including this fruit in the daily diet shall help gain maximum benefit from this super fruit, along with ensuring an overall state of good health.

ONE OF THE BESTS FRUITS AND Amazing Health Benefits :Guava Seeds

Guava is a nutritious and delicious fruit that tastes like a combination of pear and strawberry. It is high in vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, niacin, thiamine, iron, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, manganese, etc.

In addition, it has a high fiber and water content. This tropical fruit also has digestive, carminative, antihyperglycemic, antispasmodic, antibiotic, sedative, anti-inflammatory, and anti-cancer properties.
It helps treat acne, cure piles, lower the risk of diabetes, promote fertility, and relieve digestive disorders such as constipation, diarrhea, stomach ache, and acidity. Plus, it works as a filling snack and yet aids in weight loss. Regular consumption of this fruit is good for your skin too.
Guava has white or maroon pulp with plenty of small seeds packed within. Although the seeds of most fruits and vegetables are discarded as they cannot be digested, guava seeds need not be treated in the same way as they are edible.
In fact, they are great for your health as they are packed with antioxidants. They are also rich in other nutrients, essential fatty acids, and contain a good amount of iodine.
The seeds and skin of this fruit have glycosides, carotenoids, and other phenolic and flavonoid compounds. They also have anti-inflammatory and antibiotic effects.
Discussed below are some health benefits of guava seeds.

Lowers High Blood Pressure

Guava fruits and seeds are good for reducing high blood pressure as they are high in antioxidants and potassium. Due to its high potassium, banana is often considered for high blood pressure but it is interesting to note that a guava has almost 60 percent more potassium than a medium-sized banana. Studies have shown that intake of potassium helps regulate blood pressure
The bioactive compounds and antioxidant power of guava seeds also help control body weight, glycemia (concentration of glucose in the blood), dyslipidemia (high amounts of lipids in the blood), triglyceride levels and other factors that contribute to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease.

Relieves Constipation

Guava seeds, especially when ingested whole, are useful for those suffering from constipation because of their stimulant laxative effect. The seeds are also a good source of dietary fiber that aids in digestion. So, eat guavas with seeds to promote bowel movement and relieve constipation.
For best results, it is often suggested not to chew the seeds; rather swallow or gulp the small seeds after chewing the pulp or else it may cause acidity.

Reduces Prostate Cancer Risk

Guava pulp and seeds help restrict the development of cancer cell lines. They are high in an antioxidant called lycopene that fights prostate cancer. It is also suspected to help inhibit the growth of breast cancer cells.
Antioxidants are extremely important in preventing and controlling cancer as they help the body defend itself from the proliferation of free radicals.
Studies have also found guava seed extracts to have anti-cancer effects on hematological and solid neoplasms. In addition to guava seed extracts, studies have also evaluated guava leaf extracts. Leaf oil, and whole plant extracts for chemotherapeutic applications.

Helps Control Cholesterol

Guava seeds contain polyunsaturated fatty acids that help manage high cholesterol by keeping blood cholesterol levels in check. Moreover, the seeds being rich in fiber, interfere with the absorption of bile in the intestines.
As the bile is eliminated in the feces, the liver makes bile salts to make up for the loss of bile. This helps reduce cholesterol in the bloodstream because the body uses it to produce the bile salts by increasing the production of LDL receptors.
If you do not like to eat guava seeds yet want to derive the health benefits of this food then you can get guava seed extract from the market. It is rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and essential fatty acids.
Moreover, you can apply guava seed oil on your skin to maintain skin moisture for soft and supple skin. Due to the high antioxidant levels, it will also fight free radicals and prevent premature aging and wrinkles.
Being astringent in nature, it will also promote skin tightening. When applied to the scalp, it will help control dandruff, prevent hair loss, and make your hair strong and shiny. When purchasing guava seed oil, make sure you get an organic one.