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Feb 25, 2019

Female Hair Loss

The article ‘Female Hair Loss’ discusses various causes of hair loss in females of all age group.

After reading this article, you will be able to find solution for your hair problems more efficiently and effectively.

Hair loss is a common problem amongst all the men and women. Many of the women of our society are facing the problems of hair fall and even going almost bald. The cause may be any but sometime it affects the confidence of women more in comparison to their male counterparts. Hair of a woman is the important asset to make her healthy and gorgeous. For many of the women hair problems are not only a biological setbacks but a part of self-esteem too. 

The root cause of hair loss in women is not genetic but it is related to several other metabolic problems like, pregnancy, stress, chemotherapy, crash diets / anorexia, thyroid hormone deficiency, major surgery, sever infection or high fever. Hair loss in female due to above mentioned factors is normally temporary, so if you are facing hair loss and at the same time going through any of the above mentioned ‘trauma’, don’t be panic, keep patience, take prescriptions and precautions and after all a diet rich in proteins, vitamins and minerals. Definitely your hair will grow again and as healthy as before. 

The pattern of hair loss in females is completely different from males. While males go bald, the baldness in females is rare. The normally occurring pattern of hair loss in females are found as thinning and lessening in shaft hair diameter around the forehead and crown of the scalp. The pattern is more to be found in females in the forties. This pattern may also found in the females with the beginning of menopause. According to clinical trial and statistics, about 13 percent of females experience hair problems before menopause while this number is alarmingly high, about 37% for post menopause. 

As a female grew old, the intensity and level of a hormone called Estrogen drops in her body. The estrogens blocks the steroid hormone pre menopause, which results in low level of DHT.  Post menopause the level of DHT in females rises and some time it is so high that it causes hair problems. 

Amongst commonly occurring post menopause hair problems are decline in hair growth, thinning of hair and general effluvium. As a female enters into her 80’s, the follicle shrinks completely and hair growth stops.

The very reason of hair problems in women after post menopause is the reduction of estrogen in the body. The different estrogen opposes androgens and makes themselves unavailable for the cells, by blocking androgen receptors.

Opposing estrogens reduces heavily at onset of menopause but androgens remain available to the hair follicle and stem cell that is converted to DHT.  

Major Causes of Hair Loss in Females

The most common type hair problems diagnosed in females is Androgenetic alopecia inherited. However, this is most common cause of hair problems in males as well.  Androgenic alopecia in females is seen as hair thinning which means the number of hair on female head heavily reduces. Since the reason of hair loss varies individual to individual and hence proper medical help is of utmost importance.

Some other common causes of hair problems of females are mentioned here:

1.Alopecia areata- This is patchy loss of hair from the scalp. Sometime eyebrows and other hair bearing parts begin losing hair. This type of hair loss is considered to be due to autoimmune.

2.Traction alopecia- This type of hair loss occurs because of continuous traction pressure on hair follicles. Sometime this may occur because of tight braiding or corn – rowing of hair.

3.Trichtotillomania- This type is supposed to be cause of stress or result of some other psychological disorder.

4.Telogen effluvium- This is associated with poor nutrition, drugs and stress.

5.Loose anagen syndrome- This disease is more common in fair haired ladies. This is the situation in which bunch of hairs drops down while combing, shampooing, etc. Normally the scalp hair comes out very easily and this lessens the hair density on your head.

6.Triangular alopecia- In this situation hair around temples lost.

7.Scarring alopecia- This type of hair loss in females is caused, when one goes through some type of physical trauma etc. Sometime traction alopecia introduce to scarring alopecia

Best Hair Loss ProductsSo if you are a female and suffering with hair loss problems, go for professional medical help, take a diet rich in nutrition and prevent hair loss.

Acne: There are a lot of treatments to fight acne

Acne is the most widespread skin disorder in the world, according to statistics.

Experts spend a lot of time doing research to determine how acne forms and how it is eliminated. Different treatments, medicines, and products have been produced to help control and eliminate this skin disorder.

Acne is the most widespread skin disorder in the world, according to statistics. Experts spend a lot of time doing research to determine how acne forms and how it is eliminated. Different treatments, medicines, and products have been produced to help control and eliminate this skin disorder.

There exit about 7 different treatments that are used in prevention and elimination of acne. There are also much different products that use these treatments in one way or another.

Some of these acne treatments that help to reduce or eliminate acne problems are: Accutane, antibiotics, Benzoyl Peroxide, herbal remedies, Retin-A and Salicylic Acid, among others.

Accutane (Isotetinoin) is a powerful drug that is normally prescribed for severe acne in cases where other treatments have failed to work. It is normally taken for a 4-6-month period.

Antibiotics were designed to fight bacteria. These are used to control acne mainly from the inside. Some topical antibiotics (clindamycin) are applied directly to the skin. Other antibiotics (tetracycline) are in pill form.

Benzoyl Peroxide is an anti-bacterial agent that has been used to control acne for many years.  It has been proven to work very well in the elimination and prevention of acne.

Herbal Remedies are a relative newcomer to mainstream acne fighting.  It is thought that certain herbs are effective in regulating oil levels and other bodily functions that are part of acne.

Retin-A (tretinoin) is a combination of retinoic acid and vitamin A acid. It was designed to treat acne, sun damage, and wrinkles. It unplugs follicles and turnovers over dead skin cells.

Salicylic acid helps to slow down the shedding of cells inside the follicle and it is available in many treatments purchasable without a doctor's prescription.

Feb 24, 2019

A Handy Solution For Beautiful Hands

Before getting rid of dust and grime in your house, make sure your hands don't take a beating in the process. Give your hands the care and attention they deserve by following a few tips.

Before getting rid of dust and grime in your house, make sure your hands don't take a beating in the process. Give your hands the care and attention they deserve by following these tips: 

Lock in the Moisture: Applying moisturizer to damp skin immediately after a shower or bath allows skin to seal in the moisturizer. Choose a moisturizer that's effective and safe for sensitive skin, and free of potentially irritating fragrances or dyes. 

 Guard Against Harsh Chemicals: Exposure to chemicals and detergents in household cleaning products can take a toll on hands and dry out and irritate sensitive skin. Look for gloves that are designed to keep hands looking their best. "Playtex Living Gloves have multiple layers of neoprene to provide superior protection, versus ordinary latex gloves, from the harsh chemicals found in common household cleaning products," says Joe Hourihan, a vice president of research and development at Playtex Products, Inc. Get into the habit of wearing gloves every time you clean. 

Fight Bacteria and Germs: Hourihan says Playtex Living Gloves have Ultra-Fresh® anti-microbial protection to inhibit the growth of odor-causing bacteria, mold and mildew. The gloves also provide excellent hot-water protection. 

 Protect Your Manicure: Your hands are your ultimate accessory and you'll want them to look good in any season. Wearing gloves whenever you're cleaning will help your manicures last longer and keep your nails from becoming brittle.

Take Your Hands to the Spa: Warm a cup of milk in the microwave for 30 seconds (or until warm but comfortable to the touch). Soak your hands for five minutes to strengthen nails and hydrate skin. 

Take a page from the model's beauty handbook and wear gloves to keep your hands looking young and feeling silky. 

"My hands aren't just important to me, they're my business. So I make it my business to take care of them," says Ellen Sirot, top NYC hand model, Ford Models. "Whenever I do anything that can damage my hands, such as housework, washing dishes or even gardening, I always wear my Playtex Living Gloves." 

In addition to keeping your hands soft, Playtex Products Inc. is proud to make a donation to the National Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc. on behalf of Playtex Living Gloves (www.NationalBreast 

Following a few simple tips may be all it takes to keep your hands beautiful.

Feb 21, 2019

Common Causes of Hair Loss

This article tells you about various reasons for hair loss.

After reading this article you will be convinced that your problem is temporary and hence you would be able to find some of the best solution for your hair loss problems.

It is very natural for a person to loss 50 to 100 hairs each day under the body’s hair renewal process. But most of the people at least once in their lifetime suffer with heavy hair loss. There may be various reason behind this; like medication, chemotherapy, exposure to radiations and certain chemicals, nutritional and hormonal factors, thyroid disease, skin disease or stress, etc.

In most of the cases hair loss is temporary but in certain cases it may be permanent depending on the severity of disease. Some of the most common causes of hair loss are explained here.


Hormones are stimulant to hair growth and causes hair loss problems. Hormones affect heavily our hair growth. These affect both male as well as female hair health.

Hair thinning is one of the hormonal problems and affects both men and women. Hair thinning in male is specific and follows a pattern from the front through to the crown. Hair thinning in female does not follow any specific pattern.

Hair thinning is caused by androgen DHT or Dihydrotesterone. Everyone has DHT but only some suffers with hair problem, are you wandering, why? This owes to the hair follicles, which have a greater number of androgen receptors for the DHT to attach with. Till date the most effective treatment for the problems of hair thinning is; anti androgens. Anti androgens are preventive drugs that prevent the creation of DHT. In future we may get genes therapy for hair thinning problems.

Many of the females experience hair loss after labor. In such a situation many of the hair enters the telogen or resting phase. Some of the females experiences hair loss within two to three months after giving childbirth.

Hair problem due to pregnancy is temporary and in many of the cases eradicate within time, say 1 to 6 months. This occurs because of diverse hormonal changes that take place within the body during pregnancy.

Birth control pills

The females who are genetically programmed with Androgenic Alopecia, if takes birth control pills at much younger age encounters hair loss. Androgenic Alopecia is caused due to various hormonal changes.

The females who have history of hair loss in their family must consult doctor before taking any birth control pills. This type of hair loss is temporary and may stop in 1 to 6 months. But in some of the cases, it has been noticed that a female cannot regrow some of her hair that was lost due to Androgenic Alopecia.

Deficient diet

A good balanced diet rich in varied variety of nutrients is equally important to your hair health. The person who eats less of proteins or has irregular eating habits suffers with hair loss. Generally to save protein our body pushes growing hair into resting phase. If your hair can be pulled out by the root very easily, then this may be due to lack of a well balanced diet. This condition can be prevailed by eating a diet rich in proteins and other necessary nutrients.

Low serum iron

If some person either may not have access to iron rich food or his / her body may not absorb enough of iron then this may cause hair problems. Women during menstrual period are more prone to be iron deficient. Low iron in the body can be detected by laboratory test and can be corrected by taking a diet rich in iron and iron pills.

Disease Or Illness

Hair loss due to some disease or illness is very common, but this type of hair loss is temporary and lost hair may grow again. Diseases like sever infection or flu and high fever, thyroid disease etc may lead to hair loss.

Certain medications, cancer treatments, and chronic illnesses also cause hair loss. A person who receives surgery also faces hair loss problems.

However, hair loss problems of any sort are generally temporary and can be solved by taking good nutritious diet and professional help.

Dandruff - What Causes Dandruff?

Dandruff is one of the most common scalp problems.

But it is surprising that no precise cause off dandruff is known. There is therefore no cure for dandruff, but you can treat it whenever it shows. There are many factors that trigger dandruff and some speculation about the possible causes. Let us talk about them so that we can keep our scalp squeaky clean from dandruff.

Dandruff is one of the most common scalp problems. But it is surprising that no precise cause off dandruff is known. There is therefore no cure for dandruff, but you can treat it whenever it shows. There are many factors that trigger dandruff and some speculation about the possible causes. Let us talk about them so that we can keep our scalp squeaky clean from dandruff.

Dandruff and fungus-

Dandruff is a kind of Seborrheic dermatitis and it is believed that dandruff is caused by a fungus that normally lives on the human skin and feeds on skin oils. During dandruff this fungus known as malassezia multiplies manifold and creates problems in the scalp. Why a fungus, which otherwise lies dormant, suddenly flares up and multiplies is not precisely known.

Dandruff and other causes-

Other causes that are held responsible for dandruff are - stress, poor hygiene of scalp, over use of shampoos, under use of shampoo, chemical treatments that harm the hair and scalp etc. the incidence of dandruff is less in summer than in winter. We can deduce that less sun may be causing dandruff, but exposing more to sun may cause serious skin problems.

This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.

Skin Health Solutions

There may be more to caring for the skin you're in than many people realize, says one dermatologist.

There may be more to caring for the skin you're in than many people realize. Here, from a noted dermatologist, is an answer to a common skin care question.

Q. I'm never surprised when my four-year-old son comes in from playing outside with cuts or scrapes. But recently, a cut on his forearm has become red, swollen and a little "blistery." I've washed the area with soap and water and applied a warm, wet washcloth to relieve the pain but it's still scabby and swollen. Should I take him to see the doctor?

-Worried Mom

A. Dear Worried:

You probably should. Red, swollen, blistery skin may be a sign of a skin infection, which can occur when bacteria come in contact with an open cut or scrape. 

If you suspect your child has a skin infection, cleaning the area with soap and water is a good first step, but it's also very important to call your doctor. Early treatment can prevent the infection from becoming more serious. If the doctor determines that your child has a bacterial skin infection, the physician may prescribe an antibiotic. There are many available, including some that taste good and have convenient dosing options.

Symptoms usually begin to go away within a few days after your child starts taking the medicine. It is important, however, to finish the entire course of the antibiotic as prescribed, even if your child is feeling better. If the child does not take all of the antibiotic, it might not cure the infection. Be sure to communicate with your doctor if symptoms do not improve, if they worsen or if new symptoms appear.

 Dirk Elston, M.D., is an Associate in the Department of Dermatology at the Geisinger Medical Center in Pennsylvania. For more information on children's skin infections, see your doctor.

An inflamed cut should be seen by a doctor who can prescribe an antibiotic if necessary, health experts say.

5 Recommended Medication Remedies to Treat Cystic Acne

It is very hard to find an effective cure to treat cystic acne.

Cystic acne is an advanced form of acne, hence early treatment of your skin condition is a must. The pimples in this case will give you so much pain as the swelling is bacteria-laden mixed with dead skin cells and white blood cells.

It is very hard to find an effective cure to treat cystic acne. Cystic acne is an advanced form of acne, hence early treatment of your skin condition is a must. The pimples in this case will give you so much pain as the swelling is bacteria-laden mixed with dead skin cells and white blood cells. Cystic acne affects not only the superficial skin but attacks the tissues within. This could lead to permanent damage to your skin in the form of scars. Acne is bad enough but carrying the scars that go with can really hurt your confidence in yourself.

There are numerous suggested cures to treat cystic acne although you ought not to wait for cysts to show before becoming concerned with the pimples on your face. You need to identify the level of your acne condition so that the appropriate remedy could be resorted. There are three identified stages of acne with the corresponding names for each form. Acne during the initial stage appears in the form of blackheads and whiteheads. It then graduates to what you refer to a pimples or zits. The final stage with the severest form is the cysts or nodules. This is the reason why you need to find a way to treat cystic acne.

1. According to some health experts, one highly advised medication on treating cystic acne is via oral antibiotics. Antibiotics attack the bacteria that are present in the cysts to reduce the inflammation within. You should purchase medicines such as doxycycline or tetracycline capsules or pills, among others.

2. Female contraceptives taken orally are likewise claimed to be helpful on treating cystic acne. The production of a high level of sebum triggers acne thus this over release of sebaceous fluids needs to be controlled by the contraceptives. The downside is that this treatment may be taken only when approved and under the supervision of your doctor. 

3. A third option would be corticosteroid injections. The cysts are injected with steroids that are targeted to diminish the swelling after a few days. A skilled medical practitioner should be the one to perform this method as this is a delicate procedure. One of the benefits of this particular process to treat cystic acne is preventing the scarring as the cysts or nodules should dry up and disappear naturally.

4. The last 2 recommended remedies involve particular drugs – Accutane and Isotretinoin. The former is a drug to be taken orally for a period of at least 4 to 5 months on a daily basis. It is said to be quite efficient in preventing the incidence of scarring on your skin. However, it ha numerous side effects, which you should try to understand before buying this medicine.

5. The latter is actually a Vitamin A pill that addresses the main causes of acne like the development of clogged pores, production of excess oils, swelling of the skin and the presence of bacteria. Isotretinoin likewise has side effects especially of you are a pregnant.

The 5 discussed solutions can provide you with a cure to treat cystic acne.

Feb 20, 2019

5 Reasons To Keep Your Beauty Salon Reservation

Life is hectic; it’s true.

There are so many things that demand your time and attention. Between work, kids, family and household chores, there is precious little time left over for you. So, it is completely understandable why things like salon reservations get pushed to the end of your priority list. But is it at the end of the “to do” list where your next hair trim belongs?

The answer to that question is, of course, no. There are many reasons why you should keep your sal...

Life is hectic; it’s true. There are so many things that demand your time and attention. Between work, kids, family and household chores, there is precious little time left over for you. So, it is completely understandable why things like salon reservations get pushed to the end of your priority list. But is it at the end of the “to do” list where your next hair trim belongs?

The answer to that question is, of course, no. There are many reasons why you should keep your salon reservation. Aside from taking a little bit of time and relaxation for yourself, which I know is not going to motivate you since all of your energy goes toward enriching the lives of others and not your own, there are many practical reasons why you should not call and cancel your next reservation. 

Here are 5 Reasons:

1. Keeping up with hair maintenance saves you time. You know how it is, your hair is doing just fine until that fateful morning on which you realize that your hair is way past due for a trim. It just won’t do anything. So, after hours of trying to coerce your hair into the style that it held beautifully just yesterday you resign yourself to the fact that nothing except a haircut will fix your bad hair day. But we all know that a spur-of-the-moment haircut is hard to come by. That means that you will spend the next week or so wasting time trying to style your overgrown locks while waiting for your reservation. Only if you would have kept your original reservation. You see, getting a regular trim, even if you think you can squeeze by another week or two, prevents this mess from happening in the first place. A cut that is the perfect length and shape will be a breeze to style in the mornings, and that will save you time.

2. Keeping your reservation saves you money. If your stylist has regular opportunities to keep your hair in tip top shape, he or she will have to do less in the long run to keep you looking beautiful. If you continually let your style grow out or let your color fade, your stylist will have to do more work to bring your wayward tresses back in line again. More work equals more time, and we all know that time equals money.

3. There is never a better time than today to get your hair done. Sure, we all think that we’ll have more time next week, that our work load will be less than it is today. But does that ever really happen? Let’s face it; next week will be just as busy as this week. And when you’re busy, a little bit of R & R will give you the energy that you need to keep going.

4. Another reservation is weeks away. Why do you go to your stylist? It’s because he or she is a fantastic stylist and knows your hair inside and out. Well, if your stylist is this great with you, I’m sure there are other clients dying for your stylist’s services. If you miss this reservation, it could be weeks before you get another one.

5. Keep your reservation out of respect. When you make a reservation, your stylist carves out time from a hectic day to cater to you. If you don’t show or cancel at the last minute, your stylist will end up sitting around making no money when he or she could have filled that time slot with another guest. Canceling reservations repeatedly may cause you to be placed on a pay in advance or last minute reservation list. Or even in some cases you can get fired for missing too many reservations. 

Granted, sometimes things happen that make canceling an appointment a necessity. When this is the case, be sure to give a minimum 24 business hours and reschedule as soon as you can. Not only will your stylist thank you, but your hair will as well.

Feb 19, 2019

5 Hot Hair Style Trends For 2019

An article about the hairstyles that will be in fashion during 2019 and will take the place of the hairstyles that were in fashion during the very trendy 2018.

If 2018 was a time for trendy locks, then 2019 promises to be even trendier. 2018 was the age of the great re-invention, when old styles were rehashed with greater imagination. The basic styles were evidently from the late 60s and the 70s. All could see that the inspiration behind the styles lay firmly at the doors of the good ol' days. But, each new style had that little something- a sizzling zing that gave the old style a completely fresh and stunning look. 

Trends in the fashion industry seem to be taking some time in making a global sweep. From the time of its inception, a particular style takes a few years to gain acceptance and a few years still to frizzle out. Accessories are a MUST this year. 'ACCESSORISING RIGHT ' is what 2019 is all about! The 5 hot hairstyles trends that are set to sweep you off your feet in 2019 are as below:

The Hollywood makeover: Classic vintage Hollywood - that's what smooth waves of lush hair with deep side partings remind you of. There are some easy ways to get this look. After a shower, pat dry your hair. Toweling will spoil the effect. Follow this with some finger waving. Pin curling will also achieve this effect. Classic vintage accessories like rhinestones and feathers will complete the look. Ostrich feathers are going to be a rage in the coming year.

The trendy 80s: The 70's have worn themselves off with the whole "Hippie/disco" look finally petering out. Now, it is time to rock with the decade of decadence, as the 80s are often called. Straight is out and crimps are in. More movement, short layering styles and tousled, wind-blown look. Pig-tails are a definite "no-no". Keep a sharp eye for brightly colored sweatshirts, tapering blue jeans and spiky stilettos. Junky jewelry is another 80s passion. 

The Beatles reborn: The mod hairstyle of the 50s and 60s has come back in a big way. This new version is shorter, with more texture in the crown, and blunt bangs that almost touch the eyelashes. An ultrashort hairdo and angular cuts will be a rage in 2019. Colors and highlights give extra depth to the hair, and reflect the more playful and experimental attitude of the times. 

Asymmetric cuts: Extreme angles and blunt edges give this hairdo a sculptural look. The unexpected blunt edges make this a rather extreme and edgy trend. There is no blending and smooth transition here. An asymmetric cut where one side is longer than the other makes 2019 an exciting time for youngsters who do not mind experimenting. The angle at which the hair is cut can be a gentle slope or even a drastic plummet. People who have very short hair can turn this style to their advantage. Fun patterns carved into the side of the head makes this style a real showstopper. 

The Mohawk style: Another versatile style that people with short hair can wear beautifully. This style is well suited for both guys and girls, long-haired and short-haired. The classic Mohawk style has a narrow strip of hair down the middle of the scalp. This was also known as the "scalp lock". If the hair is short, use a gel or wax to simply push your hair up in the center of the head. A temporary Mohawk is easily achieved. Just plaster the hair to the sides and push the hair at the center to the top. An authentic Mohawk look will need you to trim the sides and the back of your hair and create an elevated "peak" at the center. This style is a little difficult to achieve and maintain.

5 Myths About Rhinoplasty – Revisited

With rhinoplasy becoming more and more popular nowadays, potential patients are exposed to a lot of information, some of which is far from the truth. This article addresses and clarifies some of the most popular misconceptions surrounding rhinoplasty.

With rhinoplasy being the second most popular plastic surgery procedure performed in 2004 (according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons), nose surgery is moving from the realm of the rich and famous into the homes of regular people like you and me. Now that this procedure is more accessible than ever, it’s only natural that you will be exposed to a lot of information about it – some true, some doubtful, some downright false. In this article, we’ll try to address some of the most popular misconceptions surrounding rhinoplasty.

1. Every plastic surgeon can do a rhinoplasty surgery – Technically, yes. Most plastic surgeons will have rhinoplasty on their list of performed procedures.  However, that doesn’t mean that every plastic surgeon can achieve good rhinoplasty results. Rhinoplasty is a challenging procedure, both from a medical and an artistic point of view. A plastic surgeon must have a thorough understanding of the internal anatomy of the nose and the workings of the respiratory system, so that the reshaped nose is not only aesthetically pleasing, but also fully functional. Since the nose is such a major factor in our face’s overall appearance, the plastic surgeon also needs to have a strong sense of artistry, to create a nose that fits beautifully with the rest of the patient’s face.

2. Rhinoplasty is motivated by vanity  – Despite the widely-held belief that people get nose surgery solely for cosmetic reasons, it’s not uncommon for this procedure to correct breathing problems (e.g. a septum deviation) in addition to enhancing the appearance of the nose. At the same time, it has been established that in patients who are unhappy with the appearance of their nose, having rhinoplasty may lead to a physical and emotional transformation that will enhance their self-confidence and ultimately their quality of life. From this perspective, the effect of rhinoplasty is comparable more to a therapeutic treatment than a selfish gratification for the patient’s vanity. 

3. Rhinoplasty is painful – Unlike other plastic surgery procedures like breast implants or tummy tuck, rhinoplasty is not usually painful. Most surgeons perform rhinoplasty under general anesthesia, so you will be fully asleep and will not feel a thing. After the surgery, you will have a small nose cast for 7 to 10 days, during which you will most likely feel congested, as if having a cold. The area around your nose and eyes may be swollen and bruised (especially if your nasal bones have been reshaped); however, the overall discomfort you will experience after the surgery is minimal.

4. Everyone will notice you had a nose job – If your nose requires a major change – like removing a large bump – people around you might indeed notice the difference in your nose. However, if your nose needs only a refinement of the bridge or tip, chances are the perceived change in your appearance will be less dramatic than you anticipate. After all, nobody is as intimately familiar with your facial features as you are, so making a minor change to them may not be very obvious to the outside world. Also, keep in mind that a good surgeon will avoid providing you with an “operated-looking nose”, and instead will strive to achieve a balance between your reshaped nose and the rest of your facial features, so they naturally complement each other. 

5. Rhinoplasty will get you the nose of your dreams – While having rhinoplasty can dramatically improve the appearance of your nose, there are certain limitations to what a plastic surgeon can do, based on your given bone and skin structure. At the same time, there is a chance that you won’t be fully satisfied with the results of your surgery. Statistics show that between 10% and 15% of rhinoplasty surgeries require a secondary procedure, to either enhance or correct the results of the first. This is sometimes due to the nose healing and developing in ways that the surgeon cannot predict or control. In other cases, the patients’ dissatisfaction with the final results is due to poor communication with the doctor about the intended outcome of the surgery. However, this occurrence is an exception rather than the rule, since most patients report to be happier with their physical appearance after the surgery than before. 

So what is the key to successfully achieving the nose of your dreams? Going back to point one – it’s carefully researching, selecting and communicating with your surgeon! How long has he or she been performing nose surgeries? What is their surgical accreditation? What does their safety record look like? Take a good luck at images of his or her rhinoplasty patients – does their reshaped nose measure up to your idea of beauty? Can you picture your own nose looking like that? If you do, the next step consists in ensuring that both you and your surgeon have a very clear understanding of what you expect your nose to look like and what is attainable from a medical point of view. Armed with good knowledge and a positive attitude, you’re on your best way to achieving a more attractive and confident YOU!

Watermelon, An Ingredient For Skin Care

Watermelon can be called more than a thirst quencher. With so many benefits lined up in its name it is not coincidence that it is stated as one of the favorite fruits for many people.

It has been used in many forms such as fresh juices, smoothies, as well as pickles depending on your taste. As it is rich in fat and protein it is widely used as a favorite snack. 

Watermelon servings per day would help you in the long run. It helps you with conditions like asthma, atheroscle...

Watermelon can be called more than a thirst quencher. With so many benefits lined up in its name it is not coincidence that it is stated as one of the favorite fruits for many people. It has been used in many forms such as fresh juices, smoothies, as well as pickles depending on your taste. As it is rich in fat and protein it is widely used as a favorite snack. 

Watermelon servings per day would help you in the long run. It helps you with conditions like asthma, atherosclerosis, diabetes, colon cancer and arthritis. It has nature's best source of antioxidants. These antioxidants help in neutralizing the free radicals in the body. Free radicals can cause lot of damage to your body.

Watermelon is very useful for removing blemishes on the skin. It was termed to be one of the treasured gifts of Native American. Rich in A, B and C vitamins keeps the skin fresh, radiant and hydrated. The acids in the fruits act as exfoliates. 

Watermelon seed oil is also beneficial for your body. The presence of omega 6 and omega 9 essential fatty acids helps the skin immensely. This oil has a very good absorption level which readily penetrates the skin and dissolves the sebum buildup. 

It proves to be a good for skin care, due to its moisturizing properties. The non-greasy oil helps to smooth your skin by refurbishing the elasticity of the skin. It is widely used as massage oil, baby oil, facials, face creams, salt scrubs, shower bath as well as hair oil.

Some Beautifying Recipes

Watermelon Toner

You would require 1 cup watermelon pieces, 2 tbsp. witch hazel (a shrub), and 2 tbsp. water. 

Preparation: Blend the watermelon pieces in a blender. Strain the liquid. Add witch hazel and water in the blended juice. Dab this juice on your face using a cotton ball. This mixture is rich in sugar and vitamins like A and B. The strong astringent properties and water content gets you a fresh and clean face.

Works as a Exfoliate

Mash a cup of watermelon chunks and then apply this paste on your face. Find a place to relax for 10 minutes. Rinse it later. It is a process of natural facelift helping in cleansing and tightening the skin.

For Dry Skin

Mash a cup of watermelon chunks mixed with a banana. Banana acts like a binding agent enhancing the effect of the watermelon.

For Oily Skin

Yogurt and watermelon are a great combination for oily skin. By applying this mixture on your face, it assists in the process of exfoliation. The lactic acid in the yogurt does wonders on your skin. 

Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautions while following instructions on the recipes from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.

Can Too Little Protein Cause Hair Loss?

Hair usually grows about half an inch per month, although this slows as you age. Each hair remains on your head for two to six years, and during most of this time is continually growing.

But many factors can disrupt this cycle. The result can be that your hair falls out early or isn't replaced.

A new discovery has been made in finding out what actually causes hair loss, namely: the hardening of collagen. Persons who do not suffer from hair loss have supple collagen and ...

Hair usually grows about half an inch per month, although this slows as you age. Each hair remains on your head for two to six years, and during most of this time is continually growing.

But many factors can disrupt this cycle. The result can be that your hair falls out early or isn't replaced.

A new discovery has been made in finding out what actually causes hair loss, namely: the hardening of collagen. Persons who do not suffer from hair loss have supple collagen and persons who begin showing signs of hair loss have hardened collagen. Collagen hardening interferes with the healthy functioning of the hair roots. The vital exchange process of the hair follicle cycle is disrupted and the hair becomes suffocated.

But What Causes Hair Loss?

Diet: Too little protein in your diet can lead to hair shedding. So can too little iron. Bottom line: Too strenuous dieting can result in hair loss! If you want to lose weight, do it the sensible way, especially if you have a hair thinning/loss problem to begin with.

Childbirth: Some women lose large amounts of hair within two to three months after delivery.

Hot Tips!

One great tip is after washing your hair, dry it in whatever manner you normally do. Then turn your head upside down, give your head a vigorous shake, and once back in a standing position, either "place" your hair using your fingers, rather than a brush or comb. You can also use a hair pick to style your hair. The upside down, shaking, also gives a great deal of fullness to otherwise flat looking thin hair. You'd be amazed at how creative you can be with your fingers without pulling at the root of the hair!

To protect hair, the best practice is to shampoo only when hair is dirty. Because fine hair gets dirty faster, people with fine-textured hair need to shampoo more frequently -- even though fine hair breaks more easily.

For that reason, fine-textured hair benefits from a good shampoo and volume-building conditioner

10 Easy and Natural Ways to Get Rid of Acne

Become acne free forever. Get 10 super easy and effective ways to get rid of acne.

Are you looking for acne solutions that really work? The good news is, whether you're a teenager or an adult suffering from acne, you don't have to live with it. Here you can find 10 super easy and effective ways to get rid of acne.

1. Do not pick, press or rub your pimples. These actions actually increase the sebum production and rupture the membranes below your skin. The infection and sebum will spread underneath your skin and cause more pimples. Also, you risk increasing the chances of leaving scars on your face. 

2. Wash your face twice a day using a mild soup. It is even better if you can buy sulfur-based soap especially for acne. If your skin is too oily, use a soap with benzoyl peroxide. Do not use rough sponges, brushes, or anything similar on your face. You shouldn't, however, over-wash your face because it will actually stimulate your sebaceous glands to produce more sebum which will increase your acne. 

3. Check if it is because of the food. For many people, food allergy can cause very serious acne condition. You should avoid eating too much oily and spicy food. Recent studies have shown that acne can also be caused by milk which contains hormones as well as seafood with relatively high levels of iodine. If possible, cut down on those foods. Other foods you may consider avoiding are: sugar, dairy products, deep-fried food, meat, nut butters, etc. On the other hand, it is believed that green vegetables, vegetable fuices and foods rich in zinc can help alleviate acne condition. 

4. Drink more water every day. "Eight glasses of water a day can keep acne away." says Jennifer Thoden, a respected acne expert. The reason is that water can carry waste material out of our body and it really helps heal and prevent acne flare-ups.

5. Do not wear makeup if possible. Makeup products can clog your pores, cause more blackheads and pimples. If you have to wear makeup, make sure it is water-based. Be sure to clean your makeup brushes regularly and cleanse your skin before you sleep. 

6. Do not use oily products. Avoid products such as hair pomades, intense oil-based facial moisturizers, and oily cleansers.

7. Keep your face clean. Do not rest your chin on your hands or constantly touch your face. Regular shampoo your hair and keep it off your face, especially when you sleep. 

8. Exercise moderately as it helps in blood circulation and eliminataion of toxins. 

9. Stay stress-free. Studies have shown that stress not only worsens acne flare-up, it also worsens the overall skin condition. Talk to your friends, listen to your favorite music, or take a walk in the park. There are many things you can do to be stree free. 

10. Get Sunshine and fresh air. Sunshine stimulates vitamin D in the body, an essential vitamin for healthy skin. Fresh air and sunshine can also reduce stress (tip #9) and increase oxygen to the skin. Don't get burnt in the sun though. Burnt and heavily tanned skin forms a layer on the skin that doesn't exfoliate quickly enough and can lead to blocked pores.

9 Acne Treatments That Definitely do Not Work

Given that acne is by far the most common disease in the world, I’m constantly surprised at the amount of misinformation there is about acne treatments.


Given that acne is by far the most common disease in the world, I’m constantly surprised at the amount of misinformation there is about acne treatments. There are so many commonly held believes regarding treatments, which have no scientific or medical validity, but continue to be passed on from individual to individual.

Given that acne is by far the most common disease in the world, I’m constantly surprised at the amount of misinformation there is about acne treatments. There are so many commonly held believes regarding treatments, which have no scientific or medical validity, but continue to be passed on from individual to individual. More worrying is the possible consequences of trying some of these options. Here are list of common acne treatments that categorically do not work:

1.Household cleaning products, even when diluted, should not be used to treat acne. There can be severe adverse reactions including chemical burns from pursuing this route

2.Similarly cleaning powders are ineffective for acne

3.Washing up liquid does not work for acne

4.Home facial saunas will do nothing for your acne, but will certainly aggravate, already sensitive skin

5.Sticky tape left on the skin overnight and removed in the morning will certainly remove dead skin cells and excess oil, but is likely to damage the sensitive skin, and may cause an allergy to the glue

6.Prolonged exposure to the sun or using a sun bed will not help your acne, and can be dangerous if you are also taking oral medication of certain types. For example taking certain antibiotics in tablet form, will make your skin highly sensitive to sun light

7.Sudocrem is an excellent treatment for nappy rash, but highly ineffective for acne, primarily because it contains a mixture of greases and oils which are bad for acne

8.Taking high doses of vitamin A or B will not directly help your acne, and may cause other side-effects

9.Squeezing your spots is universally not recommended in combating acne. Doing so will prolong and spread the acne to other parts of the affected area

There are many other ‘not recommended’ acne treatment regimes, many of which will worsen an already difficult condition. Avoid these shortcuts and stick with a programme overseen by your medical professional, or one which is based on solid scientific and medical evidence. If you do this, you'll succeed in overcoming your acne condition.

Peter Vine is a successful online publisher of 
He provides practical advice and the latest information on all aspects of adult acne treatments, which you can readily research on his website.

4 Tips on How to Treat Adult Acne

Lots of people are unaware of the fact that adult acne exists and they seem not to know how to treat adult acne.

Lots of people are unaware of the fact that adult acne exists and they seem not to know how to treat adult acne. People have this misconception that acne only happens during teenage years and gradually wears off as they age. For most people, this fact may be true but it is important to note that acne does not start during teenage years only. However, it is important to note that there are a significant number of adults that experience such condition.

There are lots of reasons why a person develops adult acne. But, it is important to take note that majority of the people that suffers from this condition are those who also experienced acne problems during their teens. It is also important to remember that the treatment for this is not the same when you were in your teens since your skin is already different from how it used to be. Because of this, here are some tips on how to treat adult acne.

1.    First, buy a reputable over the counter acne treatment product. OTC products could easily treat mild acne breakouts. Nowadays, there are lots of acne treatments that are available in the market. But, you need to be aware if the product is safe to use or not. Some products were proven ineffective and might have harsh elements that could further damage your skin. If you were afraid to buy random products, it would be best to consult your dermatologist. This will ensure that the product suits your skin type as well. Or, you may ask for recommendations from friends and family members who encountered a similar case of acne like yours. Or, you may do your own research on the product’s way of how to treat adult acne.

2.    Second, for serious breakout and if OTC products do not seem to work undergo cosmetic procedures in a reputable derma clinic. Cosmetic procedures such as microdermabrasion and laser resurfacing are some of the common procedures how to treat adult acne. Keep in mind that these procedures should be done using clean materials so it would be best to visit a reputable clinic.

3.    Third, never squeeze your acne! A lot of adults have this desire to squeeze or prick their zits on their own which could cause further damage due to scars. Never ever do that because squeezing will only push the infection deep into the skin.

4.    Fourth, eat healthy foods. In order to flush away toxins that could cause acne, you need to drink lots of water and eat fruits and vegetables. Keep in mind that well-hydrated skin has better chances to rejuvenate rather than dry skin. Also, try to live a healthy lifestyle by having a well-rested body. Keep in mind that stress is one of the causes of acne as well so it really pays if you get your eight-hours worth of sleep per day.

There are other tips that could help how to treat adult acne but these are some of the basic things that you need to follow. Try one tip after the other and surely, you will be able to find something that will work for you.

Feb 18, 2019

4 Necessary Steps You Should Take When Thinking About Getting A Tattoo!

Obviously there is some concern about getting a tattoo because when you get a tattoo, you risk getting an infection, pain and wonder about the possibilities of infectious diseases. The process needs to be better understood.

Obviously there is some concern about getting a tattoo because when you get a tattoo, you risk getting an infection, pain and wonder about the possibilities of infectious diseases. The process needs to be better understood.

1. Can I Get Infectious Diseases From Tattoo Needles?

There has been some concern recently regarding transmittable diseases (particularly Hepatitis-B and AIDS [HIV]) and tattoo shops. Just as in a dentist's office, as long as the area is strictly sanitized, your chances for infection will be greatly reduced.

2. Can I Get Aids From Tattooing?

When needles are passed from IDU to IDU and reused without sterilization, some of that blood remains in the syringe and is passed on to the next user. If infected blood is passed, the recipient can become infected with HIV, which leads to AIDS. 

Tattooing is VERY different from injecting drugs. The needles used in 
tattooing are not hollow. They do, however, travel back and forth 
through a hollow tube that acts as an ink reservoir. The tip of the tube is dipped into the ink, which draws a little into the tube.

3. Can My Tattoo's Get Infected? 

Not as long as you take care of your new tat. There is a section in the Ebook that covers healing methods in depth. Some people have trouble healing tattoos with colors they are allergic to. 

4. What Are Some Bad Things For My New Tattoo? 

Once it is healed, there is very little that will screw up a tattoo. The one exception is prolonged exposure to sunlight. (the other is scarring, but that is patently obvious). 

Well, unfortunately it is. The newer inks are better at resisting fading 
but whatever you do, if you spend lots of time in bright sunlight your 
tats will fade (over a lifetime, not over a week). Best to try and keep 
them out of bright sunlight. 

No one wants to become a cave dweller just to keep their tats looking good, so just use some common sense. Think of your tat as an investment--slather on that sunblock so it doesn't turn into a dark blob.

Tattoo art has become very popular and people are getting tattoo's for lots of reasons. Taking good steps in choosing the right tattoo, getting it applied properly and with the proper care is probably the most important things to consider when thinking about getting a tattoo. Read all you can about tattoo art safety and when you're ready to get your tattoo, you will feel much better about your decision!

Feb 10, 2019


Cannabis oil is widely beneficial and is considered as one of the most effective oils for the alleviation of certain conditions and illnesses.

Researchers believe there are at least two active chemicals in cannabis that have medicinal applications:  cannabidiol and tetrahydrocannabinol. Cannabidiol, also known as CBD, impacts the brain without a high, and tetrahydrocannabinol, also known as THC, has pain relieving properties.
The health benefits of cannabis oil are caused by these medicinal applications. Here are the top 15 health benefits of cannabis oil:


Cannabis oil is often suggested for people who suffer from chronic pain, inflammation and occasionally in emergency pain relief. This is the reason why people who have been diagnosed with cancer turn to cannabis-related products, including cannabis oil, when they need relief from the pain of the chemotherapy or the disease itself.


The effects of cannabis oil/cannabis essential oil, more specifically the cannabinoids such as THC, help to control seizures by attaching to the brain cells that are responsible for regulating relaxation and controlling excitability.


The effects of cannabis oil/cannabis oil benefits may be able to slow the progression of Alzheimer’s disease. THC, the active chemical in cannabis oil, slows the establishment of amyloid plaques by blocking the enzyme in the brain that makes them. Amyloid plaques are what kill brain cell and ultimately cause Alzheimer’s disease.


The elusive oils in cannabis oil can help improve heart health by balancing out the negative oils that are in a person’s system. In addition, the oil can stimulate antioxidant processes such as maximising the health of the cardiovascular system and scraping off excess cholesterol.
Eases Multiple Sclerosis Pain
One of the health effects of cannabis oil includes the ease of pain symptoms from multiple sclerosis. The THC in the cannabis oil attaches to the receptors in the nerves and muscles in order to relieve pain. There are also studies that suggest THC helps to control muscle spasms.


It’s a well-known fact that those who consume cannabis in any form notice an increased appetite. However, the use of cannabis oil can help you regulate your appetite and encourage hunger. At the same time, it can stimulate your digestive system in order to operate on a regular level.


Studies suggest one of the effects of cannabis oil could aid patients with inflammatory bowel diseases such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease. The THC and CBD chemicals interact with the body’s cells, which plays an important role in immune responses and gut functions.  The THC-like compounds that the body produce increase the permeability of the intestines, which allows bacteria in. The cannabinoids from cannabis oil block these body-made cannabinoids helping to prevent the permeability and ensuring the intestinal cells have a tightened bond.


If you suffer from the constant anxiety during the night time hours, or suffer from insomnia or struggle from getting a restful, undisturbed sleep, then cannabis oil might be the solution for you. The cannabis oil works by relaxing the mind and body, and generating a lower energy level, it will be easier for you to get your heart rate down and clear your mind to allow for a long, restful sleep.



The health benefits of cannabis oil in regards to rheumatoid arthritis include promoting sleep, reducing inflammation, and alleviating pain. These effects of cannabis oil combined he


Research shows that the effects of cannabis may help to protect the brain from the damage that is caused by a stroke. This is done by reducing the size of the area that was affected by the stroke. There has been research that has shown neuroprotective effects from cannabis that protects the brain in the case of other traumatic events, like concussions.


Early reports of research have shown that the active ingredients in cannabis oil can reduce tumour size and have preventative effects on cancer, and says that the oil makes it easier to beat cancer for those suffering with the disease.lp to relieve the pain and discomfort that people with arthritis have.


In regards to eye health, cannabis oil has been linked to the reduction in glaucoma and the prevention of macular degeneration. As people age, eye health is one of the major reasons why people turn to cannabis oil.


The effects of cannabis have been shown to reduce pain and tremors, and improve sleep for those who have Parkinson’s disease. There has also been research that demonstrated improved fine motor skills among its patients.


One of the most popular and well-known uses of cannabis oil is for the purpose of relief from anxiety and stress. The natural compounds found in cannabis oil are effective for releasing relaxing the mind, releasing pleasure hormone, reducing stress and inducing a sense of calmness and relaxation to the user.


The naturally occurring cannabinoids, similar to THC, contribute to the health benefits of cannabis oil. The cannabinoids help to regulate the system that causes anxiety and fear in the brain and body.  This specific use of cannabis oil has been connected to benefiting veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder.