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May 12, 2013

Natural Remedies for Arthritis in Children

Arthritis natural remedies treatment in children, now a days this is one of the common problem faced by many of the parents. Some of them are not aware of this problem, even they are not taking some simple measures which will helps in the treatment of arthritis in children.
Generally Arthritis problem occurred in children are due to lack of calcium, which is essential to stronger the bones. If the children food is not rich in calcium, then they are the easy victims for Arthritis.

First of all parents of children should know, what kind of diet will helps to stronger their bones. Here are the some of the natural remedies for arthritis in children are given for your information purpose, which are very helpful and very natural. Please keep in mind, that you should take some systematic approach and time while giving food to children, which will not only helps to cure arthritis problem, also helps to increase their resistance power, which is most necessary to get rid of any common ailments or diseases.

Natural Remedies for Arthritis in Children

  1. Give 150 ml of milk daily, which should drink by mixing the water.
  2. Try to give leafy vegetables curries in food, which are rich in calcium. In leafy vegetables, Spinach is the one which has very rich in calcium.
  3. If you eat non vegetarian, then give fish as food for once in a week at least.
  4. Eating of one boiled egg per day is very beneficial, which helps to stronger the bones of children.
  5. Give at least 4 almonds daily in the morning.
  6. Yogurt fruit is a calcium rich food.
If you could have not given the calcium rich foods, then there is a risk of fractures and osteoporosis.
Also each parents should know, how much calcium needed for children daily. Here is the Food and Nutrition Board of the National Academy of Sciences recommends:
  1. 1 – 3 years : 500 mg of calcium needed.
  2. 4 – 8 years : 800 mg of calcium needed.
  3. 9 – 18 years : 1300 mg of calcium needed.
If any of the children are having the arthritis problem, if you could have given the above natural remedies, which helps to stronger their bones, in soon they will get rid of all kinds of arthritis problem.

Natural Remedies for Sleeplessness in Infants and adults


Natural remedies for insomnia and sleeplessness in adults could include herbs such as valerian root and kava kava. However, many of these are not considered safe for infants and children. In addition to some basic steps, there are a few natural alternatives that are generally recognized as safe that you may want to consider. Always consult your health care practitioner before trying natural therapies, especially with infants.


As a rule of thumb, try to maintain a regular eating and sleeping routine with your infant. Set feeding times throughout the day and stick to them. Follow a consistent nap and nighttime sleep schedule. According to it is important to establish a routine as soon as possible after birth. Although it may be difficult at first, with a regular schedule, infants can sleep five or six hours through the night in as soon as three months. If your baby cries excessively or for extended periods of time, it may indicate a medical condition such as colic. Talk to your pediatrician if you are having difficulty establishing or following a regular routine.



Sometimes a soothing scent is enough to help a baby fall asleep. Aromatherapy uses essential botanical oils to help soothe and relax the body and mind. It is generally considered safe for both adults and children 3 months or older. Plants such as lavender, vanilla and orange are particularly soothing for babies, suggests Bellevue Massage Therapy. Although essential oils are commonly used in adult massage, do not use the oils directly on infant skin. Instead try a room diffuser. Place three to four drops of oil in water in the diffuser and warm for 20 to 30 minutes in the baby's room.


Herbs often come to mind when thinking of natural remedies. German chamomile and lemon balm are natural herbs that are considered safe for consumption by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. The leaves and flowers can be added to a warm bath, or made into a tea and added to a baby's bottle. The University of Maryland Medical Center recommends no more than half a cup of tea for children under the age of 5. Be sure and talk to your medical doctor before trying herbal remedies.


Homeopathic remedies are highly diluted substances that are generally considered safe for infants, as they have no known adverse effects. They are believed to stimulate the body's natural healing abilities. There have been many studies done on homeopathy, some of them involving infants and children, with favorable results. The remedies commonly used for sleeplessness in both adults and infants include: chamomila, for children who have difficulty relaxing and falling asleep; arnica for children who are overly tired; and arsenicum album, for children who are sleepy during the day, but cannot sleep at night. Consult your health care provider before trying homeopathic medicine.

Killing Bacteria in the Mouth

When you have bacteria in your mouth, you are not only putting your oral health at risk. Bacteria in the mouth can lead to other medical problems, including compromising your heart health. According to a 2011 study conducted at the University of Rochester, researchers found that certain strains of bacteria in the mouth traveled through the bloodstream to the heart. People with underlying heart conditions could develop complications when exposed to these strains of bacteria. Speak to your dentist about natural remedies used to control the presence of bacteria in your mouth.

Teeth Brushing

Brushing your teeth regularly removes food particles and strains of bacteria present in your mouth. Brush at least twice a day, especially after meals. Your toothbrush should be replaced every three to four months to limit exposure to bacteria found on the bristles.



Your diet affects the amount of bacteria in your mouth. Avoid foods with high amounts of added sugar. Sugar is broken down by the bacteria in your mouth into acids. The acids have the ability to damage the enamel of your teeth and promote cavities. Foods to avoid include soda, fruit juice, caramels and candy. Drink plenty of water between meals instead of soda to rinse out any leftover food debris and remove bacteria.

Tongue Scraping

Debris on the tongue can promote bad breath because of the presence of bacteria. Use your toothbrush to scrub off food particles before brushing your teeth. As an alternative, use a tongue scraper to get rid of bacteria on the tongue. Floss after meals to remove any food that lodges between your teeth.


Mouthwash is another natural remedy that helps control the amount of bacteria found in the mouth. Natural mouthwashes can be found over-the-counter and contain ingredients such as cinnamon oil, clove, tea tree oil, peppermint and spearmint. Mint-flavored chewing gum without any sugar is another remedy for controlling the build up of bacteria. Chew gum to stimulate saliva to remove bacteria. Choose varieties of chewing gum that contain the natural sweetener xylitol. Xylitol inhibits the growth of bacteria in the mouth.

Natural Remedies for Odor on Sports Equipment


You may feel like a professional athlete when you're at the gym working out, but that intense workout can also leave your equipment smelling less than fresh. Gym shoes, padding on protective equipment and yoga mats also get a workout when you do, absorbing perspiration and the odors that come with it over time. Making your equipment an inhospitable environment for odor-causing bacteria will leave everything smelling fresher.


Bacteria thrive in warm, moist environments. The odors that issue from a ripe pair of sneakers or a frequently used yoga mat arise from the same bacteria that live on your skin. When you bathe or shower, you reduce their numbers, leaving you smelling clean and fresh; your equipment doesn't get regular washings, so the bacteria living there form larger and smellier colonies. Allowing your equipment to dry thoroughly before you store it removes one of the elements bacteria need to survive. If possible, have at least two pairs of shoes for exercise and alternate wearings so each pair dries completely between uses. Unroll yoga mats if they're damp. Set foam or plastic pads and shin protectors out in a dry place instead of keeping them in a gym bag so residual moisture evaporates from them.


Acidity and Alkalinity

Microbes can only live within a limited pH range. If their environment becomes too acidic or alkaline, they can no longer survive, and dead bacteria cannot contribute to sour odors in your sporting gear. Vinegar's acidity and baking soda's alkalinity naturally combat odor-causing bacteria. Swab non-porous materials with vinegar or a baking soda solution. Washable items like cloth benefit from a soaking in diluted vinegar or baking soda to remove odors. For shoes that have grown especially odoriferous, fill a pair of old socks with baking soda and place each sock in a shoe, leaving it overnight. The baking soda removes existing odors and absorbs moisture that could cause odor in the future.


Alcohol's antiseptic properties make it a staple in first-aid kits and operating rooms. It kills bacteria and evaporates quickly, leaving little smell of its own. Mix rubbing alcohol and water in equal amounts in a spray bottle and mist hard-to-clean equipment with the solution. You can also use a small bottle of this spray on stationary equipment at the gym to sanitize and freshen it before you use it.


Items that are difficult to keep dry or that you use daily can also benefit from using other scents to mask any odors that remain. Essential oils from fragrant plants such as mint, lavender or thyme have pleasant but not overpowering fragrances. Add a few drops of oil to alcohol or vinegar, then shake the mixture and spray it on the equipment. The vinegar or alcohol will evaporate and leave just a trace of the scented oil. Save this treatment for your personal equipment, not for public gym equipment; although you may find the scents pleasant, others may prefer a more neutral smell.

Lemon based popular medications for your health

There are a great many citric-based medications, which is advisable to use as popular medications. Lime juice supplies the body with vitamin C and B, and minerals such as: calcium, phosphorus and magnesium. Lemon has antibacterial effect. Should you consider choose lemon yellow, not green reflexes. Lime values ​​begin to lose after a week, if we in the ambient temperature. If you keep in the fridge, their values ​​exceed (2-3 weeks). Lemon based popular treatments are:
Temperature. Drink warm water with lemon when you have to reduce the temperature. Helps in reducing its fluid, increasing sweat.
throat infections. Lemon offers antibacterial features that help in the treatment of throat infections. Drink half a glass of lemon juice before going to sleep.
Sore throat. Mitigate sore throat, drinking a lemon juice, along with a spoonful of honey. To make a curative syrup mix 4 tablespoons of lemon juice, a cup of honey and half a glass of olive oil. Heat the mixture for 5 minutes and then eat from a spoon every 2 hours.
respiratory problems. Treat breathing problems by drinking water with lemon, a treatment that can help a person who suffers from asthma, breathing better.
digestive problems. Mix lemon juice with warm water to treat digestive problems such as: burning stomach, parasites, vomiting and bounce.
minor wounds. You can stop bleeding and disinfektoni minor wounds, applying on them a small amount of lemon juice. This can cause a little burning, but it is good to our health.
Bleeding from nose. Take lemon juice on a piece of cotton and place carefully to the nose, where you bleed.
cure rheumatism. Since lemon contains diuretics quantities, can be used to cure rheumatism and arthritis. Moreover, it helps in eliminating bacteria from the body.
facial skin. Lemon can rejuvenate facial skin. Fluid also helps to combat the signs of aging, such as black points or wrinkles. Suffice it to coat your face with the juice of half a lemon mixed with a spoonful of honey and leave to act for 10-15 minutes.
dental pain. Put fresh lemon juice on the tooth that hurts you, to remove the pain. bleeding from gums. Massage with lemon juice to stop bleeding gums. Fluid can remove the smell caused by gums.


Garlic, today’s super food, has enjoyed a long and colorful history grounded in myth and folklore. Ancient Egyptians use of garlic has been found etched into walls of temples, and written on papyrus, as well as clay sculptures of the herb dating back to 3200 B.C. Although the Egyptians believed strongly in it’s healing powers , they considered garlic, sometimes referred to as “The Stinking Rose”, too pungent too eat. However, they so revered garlic for its mystical healing powers that they often tried to take it with them to the after life.
Dried garlic was found in King Tutankhamen’s tomb along with other treasured herbs and spices. Indeed, Garlic did not become popular in America until the 19th century, when immigrants flooded in from other countries. However, it is the very powerful smell of Garlic that inspired the myth and superstitions that have surrounded it for centuries.

Throughout the ages, and in all parts of the world, Garlic has been revered for it’s healing abilities, and used as a talisman against evil spirits. Everyone is familiar with the old legend of garlic as a vampire repellent, but the folklore concerning this versatile herb does not stop there. You may be surprised to to find what other Old Wives tales there are referring to garlic.

Myths, Truisms, and Fun facts About Garlic

  • In the Middle Ages garlic was thought to ward off vampires, evil eye, and witches. Families would string it together and hang it in the archways of their doors to prevent evil spirits from entering their house.
  • During The Black Plague, people ate raw garlic daily to ward off the disease.
  • In Balkan countries, Garlic juice was rubbed on to doorknobs and window frames in an effort to keep vampires out as well.
  • In Korea, Six Clove Black Garlic was given to women in the hopes of endowing them with supernatural powers and immortality.
  • In colonial times, garlic was tied to the feet of Small Pox victims in an effort to ward off death.
  • In 17th century England, it was considered unfit for a Lady, or any gentleman courting her, to eat garlic.
  • There is a proverb that says “Garlic makes men wink, and drink, and stink”
  • Greek Battalions were given garlic to give them courage and promise of victory.
  • In ancient Greece and Rome, garlic was used to repel scorpions, and to treat dog bites, leprosy and asthma. Garlic has been proven to have anti fungal, antiviral, anti bacterial and anti parasitic properties.
  • In World War 2 Garlic solutions were used by the British to heal wounds when they ran out of sulfur.
  • Garlic was often used to cure the common cold. Recipes can still be found explaining how to make garlic and onion soup, as well as garlic cough syrup.
  • There are still Old Wives Tales circulating about garlic’s ability to ward off evil spirits and ailments, such as tie a clove of garlic around your neck to ward off a cold.
  • Garlic is still used today for wart removal. It is recommended that a raw clove of garlic should be sliced and applied to the wart. After being bandaged for 24 hours, the wart will supposedly dry out and fall off in a few days.
  • Garlic has also been said to cure ear infections. Actually, the home remedy calls for 100% pure garlic oil dropped into the affected ear. After lying still for 15-30 minutes, it said that you will feel your ear start to itch, which is the garlic drying up the infection. Within 24 hours, the infection will have gone away.
The folklore surrounding garlic is endless, as are the types of ailments it is said to cure, both proven and UN proven. The uses of garlic not only span thousands of years, but they also span thousands of miles around the world. From Ancient Arab herbalists who said that garlic gives strength, and beatifies the complexion, to Louis Pasteur, who documented that one millimeter of garlic juice is equivalent to 60 milligrams of Penicillin in 1885, to recent studies that have shown garlic as a remedy for hypertension, the uses of its “super food” are endless.
While some people still find this herb pungent and repulsive, hence the name “The stinking Rose”, you may be surprised to hear some of the other names that garlic is referred to around the world.

Other Names For Garlic

  • Alho
  • Knoblauch
  • Bawang
  • Ail
  • Aglio
  • Katiem
  • Chesnok
  • Gartenlauch
  • Bronx vanilla
  • Italian Perfume
  • Camphor of The Poor
  • Nectar of The Gods
  • Poor Mans Treacle
So, what it is about garlic that has made it such a subject of myth and fantasy? It is the compound Allicin, contained in garlic, which gives it such a strong smell, and provides this herb with all of its healing qualities. It contains enzymes, flavenoids, calcium, copper, iron, manganese, phosphorus, potassium and selenium.
It is the selenium that really gives this herb it’s punch as this antioxidant alone has the power to boost the other vitamins containing Garlic, which include Vitamin A (Thiamin). Vitamin B2( Riboflavin), along with Vitamin and B6. With all of these essential vitamins and minerals packed into one small clove of garlic, it is no wonder that the benefits of this herb are known far and wide around the world.
So what has been proven to be true about the healing properties of garlic and what belongs restricted to the ream of myth and folklore? While many people will continue to believe in Grandma’s garlic and onion soup for a cold, or the old wives tale of stringing a clove of Garlic around you neck to ward off a cold, studies have actually been done to prove whether garlic is efficient as a medicine in this area, and exactly how much you should take.

The Truth About Garlic

  • Garlic has been proven to reduce high blood pressure, and reduce heart attacks by actually lowering the levels of blood fats including tryglicerides and LDL (“bad”) cholesterol, while raising the levels of HDL (“good”) cholesteral. In Germany, garlic supplements are licensed a prescription drugs for the treatment of arteriosclerosis.
  • Several studies have also indicated that garlic can boost immunity levels, and that it is the second only to Echinacea as the most common herbal supplent bought on the market today
  • Garlic has also been shown to be a helpful supplement to those who suffer from Diabetes as it balances the blood sugar. The main compound Allicin combines with Vitamin B to stimulate the pancreas to release insulin.
  • Because of garlic’s anti- fungal properties, scientists have proven that garlic functions as an anti parasitic to get rid of intestinal worms, as well as other fungal infections, such as thrush.
  • Studies dating back to the 1960′s have shown garlic’s benefits in treating cancer patients. New research, such as a study put out in 2002 by The Journal of the national Cancer Institute suggests that men who eat plenty of garlic and onions could have a lower risk of developing prostate cancer. Inter
  • Stutudies have shown that garlic, because of its value as a natural blood thinner, to be very useful in the treatment of varicose veins, and blood clots. However, people should also be advised that eating large amounts of Garlic prior to surgery or dental procedures could cause heavy or spontaneous bleeding. Also people taking Warfarin, Coumadin, or any drugs meant to treat HIV/AIDS virus should consult with their doctors before taking any type of garlic supplement, as it can be contraindicated with these drugs. .
  • People suffering from Intermittent claudication (poor circulation of the legs) have also found this her b useful.
  • Studies published in the American Journal of Hypertension have shown that when volunteers took garlic supplements on a regular basis, their blood pressure was reduced by 1-5%.
  • Because of the antioxidant properties of garlic, it has also been shown garlic is also useful for slowing down the aging of the liver, and combating the harmful effects of smoking.
  • It has been proven that garlic, indeed, is suitable for treatment of the common cold. Because of the potency of this herb, the body is stimulated to perspire when garlic is consumed, which means that eating garlic during a cold will speed up recovery by making you sweat the toxins and bacteria out of your body.
  • Ayervedic herbalists suggest rubbing a slice of raw garlic on pimples as a cure for acne. They say that removing pimples this way will not result in scars.
With the benefits of garlic so far and widespread throughout the body, it is no wonder that the sale of garlic supplements is one of the top 5 in America. Many questions remain, however, as to what dosage of garlic is required to benefit from this herbs healing effects. Also, as much as this herb has crossed cultural lines in Cuisine for Italian to meditterean to Chinese, many people benefit from the herb my simply using it as a spice in cooking. The question remains, however, is taking supplements the same as eating cooked garlic? And to take it a step further, is eating cooked garlic as beneficial as eating it raw? Many health excerpts have confirmed that eating raw garlic is more beneficial to eating cooked garlic or supplements.
using garlic for health

Allicin Released

The crushing and chewing of garlic release the compound Allicin, which gives garlic its healing properties. However, many people are unable to eat garlic raw at first because when not used it, consuming large amounts of raw garlic can be very irritating to the stomach.
It is suggested to start off slow, and chew one clove of garlic a day. For people who cannot stomach the taste of garlic raw or cooked, there is the option so supplements, some of which include the compound Allicin.
A ratio of powdered supplement to raw garlic equates to an average dose of 1500mg of powdered garlic to ½ clove of fresh garlic.
In order to fight infection 3-4 chopped, crushed, or chewed cloves should be consumed per day, or in supplement form 600-900miligarams a day 2-3 times a day. Read labels of specific supplement for more precise dosing.
Another aspect of the benefits of garlic is its helpfulness to the home gardener. Garlic oil has been shown to repel slugs and snails when a barrier of it is put up around favorite plants and vegetables. Also garlic’s benefit as a companion plant has been utilized for hundreds of years as well. It is a well-known fact that planted in between roses; garlic will provide you with beautiful healthy roses for years to come.
Companion planting comes from the notion that if the proper plants and herbs are grown together, natural pest control will occur. Garlic, when planted alongside cabbage and lettuce repels and kills Aphids, Spider mites, and white flies, all dangerous pests to your plants. Growing garlic is not difficult, and is actually a good way to get kids involved in gardening.

How To Grow and Harvest Garlic

  • Plant a clove, not a bulb, in the dirt, about an inc below the surface in an upright position. Garlic can be sown in rows of 18 cloves, or simply pushed in the dirt of plants you would like to protect.
  • Keep it watered well, but not over watered.
  • One clove of garlic will produce one plant, which will produce one whole bulb of garlic.
  • It is time to harvest your garlic when the plants foliage starts to turn brown and looks dead.
  • When taking garlic from the ground, do not yank it out by the stem. Gently loosen the dirt around the bulb, and then remove it from the ground.
  • Garlic must be dried properly if it is going to be of any good use. Hang the bulbs upside down by the stems in a cool dry place such as a gardening shed or barn. The curing process takes about two weeks. Large bundles of garlic can be braided together and hung upside down as a bunch. It is suggested to wait until the garlic is completely dry until trimming the stems off. Once they have dried, they can also be strung together with flowers, dried grasses and ribbon and used as a decorative piece for your kitchen.
  • Garlic should be stored at room temperature. It can either be hung in the kitchen pantry, or kept in a brown paper bag on your pantry shelf.
As you can see, garlic is one versatile herb! Straight from the garden to tour belly, this herb will benefit you for years to come. Whether eaten raw, cooked, or taken in supplement form garlic is rated high on the list of foods to eat for longetivity and well being. The possibilities are endless as to what you can do with this herb. Whether using it for hypertension or as a slug repellant in the garden, the uses of garlic still abound. Remember, however, that as good as garlic is for the body to always check with your physician before starting to take large amounts of garlic, especially if you take medication for blood thinners on a regular basis

Thyroid glands:Curing for lack of iodine

Thyroid glands (lack and excess iodine), located in the middle part of the throat and serve to regulate his hormones metabolism. With the word metabolism, expressed or braking speed of the combustion of food substances in the tissue to produce energy, as well as for the development of various organs of the body. Thyroid gland function dependent upon the amount of iodine that enters the body.
Thyroid glands have the following signs: exit out of the orb of the eye, the eyes are sparkling and colorful, shaking hands, body weakness, heartbeat become more frequent and more intense. Patients affected thyroid glands quickly, cry for nothing, have headaches, skin stay sweaty and warm, often fried, have diarrhea, menstruation disorders among women, plight of the chest, respiratory blockage. The function of the thyroid gland is weakened by normal impact of the pituitary gland on the thyroid and cause disorders that affect the gland. These are signs that show operation hipertireozës, thus reducing function. Whereas hipertireoza (gain of function), which shall speak below, is a disease that affects more women. Gland produces more hormones, so that the body undergoes some important disorders, such as those mentioned above in hipertireozë reduction function, because the signs are the same.
is a disease that is associated with enlargement of the thyroid gland, appears more to women at any age. Enlarged glands in different forms and ways. For example, enlarged glands in the middle or on both sides, or one side with different size, several times in a short time, sometimes gradually. Endemic Goitre (Struma), called it a disease that is caused by lack of iodine in the mountains. People worry about the sight, not beautiful throat. Lack iodine thyroid glands usually found in people in the mountains, while those with excess iodine on the coast. There are very rare occasions that a person is the opposite. Thyroid glands with iodine excess are more difficult to cure than those with a lack of iodine.
Curing for lack of iodine in 1 liter of strong grape brandy 18 degrees, dissolve 1 kg of sugar and then jump 40 small nuts grains (when they push over ). Ena covered and kept for 40 days in darkness. Drink 1 cup, 2 times a day, fasting morning and evening before bedtime. This method is for people who suffer from iodine deficiency. Persons who lack iodine thyroid glands, have to keep the head of the bed a pine branch with its bohçen that liberates iodine with open jaws by dinner in the morning. The patient with thyroid must consume as much mature palm well, preferably qullosura. So in the fall, when it is the season of this fruit be eaten 1 hour before dinner from 6-10 grains for 30 days. those who suffer from thyroid glands need to drink every day 1-3 grains lemon juice, or 50 gr cortex being caught in 500 gr of water for 20 minutes; this drink juice 2 times by 1 cup coffee sober in the morning. Need to consume the flesh of the fish that grows in the sea, which has a lot of iodine, and not those fish that grow in fresh water lakes. Frashëri White: boil a liter of water, at the time of cooking take 7-10 tablespoon of dried plants and crushed. Let 20-30 minutes and gushed. Drink 2 glasses of water a day sweetened as desired. I, as a physician I have prepared many years popular medication for treatment of thyroid glands with iodine absence and curing strumës, who have treated patients.

Organic Turmeric

Numerous studies indicate curcumin  can be effective in the treatment and prevention of cancer as well as Alzheimer’s disease. No wonder some experts call this natural healing remedy the “Indian solid gold”. 

Personally, I’ve been taking turmeric supplements fromOrganic India. Why this company? They’re the only company among the ones I researched that uses organic turmeric and doesn’t add other chemicals in their capsules. Their supplements contain 370 mg of turmeric and 50 mg of ginger root, which is a lot more than what other brands contain. As you may know, ginger is also a natural anti-inflammatory herb

 Organic India Turmeric capsules are made of vegetable cellulose, which is a   natural vegetable fiber. No artificial additives of any type are added. It is believed ginger boosts the health benefits of turmeric. I’ve been taking the capsules for six months for swollen ankles and have experienced great results.  No artificial additives of any type are added.
There are countless medical articles praising the health benefits of turmeric, and for good reasons. Many clinical studies agree that curcumin, the medicinal  turmeric compound, prevents and reduces the symptoms of inflammatory illnesses. This is why many experts consider it a good herbal remedy for rheumatoid arthritis. Additionally turmeric is a powerful anti-oxidant, liver detoxifier and it has antibacterial properties. Curcumin is the medicinal bright yellow powder extracted from turmeric root.

A native to India and Southeast Asia, turmeric is  the Ayurvedic herb that has been used for centuries in India as the main ingredient in curry recipes. Although some herbalist prefer to take the whole herb approach by eating heavily spiced curries and teas made with the spice, others recommend taking pill supplements since eating curry dishes daily can get a bit boring. You would have to consume a lot of curcumin powder in your meals to experience the health benefits. Besides, some people may not like the pungency of turmeric.
Possible Side Effects:  Reportedly turmeric is safe when used in moderate amounts, but it may cause diarrhea or nausea in certain people. If you’re scheduled for surgery, stop taking it at least two weeks before surgery.
Warnings: It is believed that breast feeding and pregnant women should not eat the herb at all, as it may adversely affect the uterus and risk the pregnancy. If you have gallbladder or bile issues do not consume the herb at all. As always, consult your health care provider before self-medicating.
The health benefits of turmeric are many. In his book “The Green Pharmacy”, Dr. James A. Duke shows a long list of ailments and diseases that improve with the use of the spice. From cataract and stroke prevention to the treatment of arthritis, swelling, ulcers, diabetes and many other chronic conditions

Best vitamin supplements

The best vitamin supplements are the ones that are customized to meet your own health and nutritional needs. Additionally, all vitamins are not created equal, some vitamins are far better than others in terms of quality and ability to break down and be absorbed by our organs and tissues.
While medical experts are in agreement that vitamins are not magic natural healing remedies that protect you from an unhealthy lifestyle, they all agree that a healthy diet, exercise, and taking a few good quality supplements can prevent and improve most diseases. The best vitamin supplements have the following characteristics:
-Quality: Some popular brands are cheaply made and many vitamin manufacturers add too many fillers to their supplements to improve their appearance and prevent them from breaking during transportation. Some of these added fillers and binders take away the supplement’s nutritional value and may be harmful for our health. A quality supplement should be free of corn, soy, artificial colors and harmful oils among many other substances.
-Bioavailability: This means the ability to be distributed and absorbed by tissues and organs. Many popular brand supplements come in hard tablets that don’t dissolve and therefore don’t provide any benefits. Because their ability to absorb and enter the system faster, some experts believe capsules and liquid vitamins are superior to tablets. Nevertheless, caution should be used when choosing capsules; some brands use animal gelatin which may  be contaminated with mad-cow disease. Fortunately, most brands now use vegetable gelatin.
 Most doctors and researchers agree that the main source of minerals and vitamins should be food, however they also concur that it’s not always practical or possible to get the appropriate amount of these nutrients from food.
Confused About Vitamins? Take the Dr. Weil Vitamin Advisor today
  vitamins nom nom—aSIMULAtor (
“Which Vitamins Should I Take?”
That’s a great question to ask. One thing to keep in mind is that each individual’s needs and health status are unique and, like anything else you eat, some supplements taken in large doses can be toxic, others may interfere with medications you may be taking. Consider the following vitamin facts:
  • Certain vitamins should be taken with others, for example vitamin C should be taken in conjunction with E, especially if an individual has an autoimmune illness.
  • Certain vitamins may interfere with each other if taken at the same time. For instance, potassium supplements may reduce vitamin B12 absorption.
  • People who take aspirin or blood thinners should consult their doctor before taking vitamin E.
  • Vitamin E drastically reduces the effect of cholesterol drugs.
  • Certain forms of vitamin A supplements are toxic and should be avoided. For example, a plant-based vitamin A (beta-carotene) should be taken over retinoid-based. The synthetic form of E supplements should be avoided and the natural form should be used.
In summary, the best vitamin supplements are those that are manufactured under strict guidelines for quality control and that conduct product testing. A supplement should be personalized and targeted to your needs and specific health situation. It has been proven by prominent doctors and medical researchers that taking the correct dosage from good quality supplements can help strengthen your immune system, avoid or improve illness and boost your energy.

Remedies with Aloe Vera


After washing your face thoroughly, simply apply Aloe Vera gel directly to the blemishes, scars or sores caused by acne. Don't rinse the gel from your skin, just let it dry.

Age Spots

Apply Aloe Vera gel to the brown spots on your skin twice daily and you should start to see them disappearing within a few months.


  • Internally: Drink 2-4 tablespoons of Aloe Vera gel or juice twice a day. Drink for at least two months before giving up on this remedy as most people do not report relief until they are into their second month.

    Additionally, mixing Aloe Vera into your pet's food has shown to decrease the pain of arthritic conditions for animals as well.

  • Externally: Some people report pain relief from Arthritis within minutes by rubbing the gel directly on the affected area.


An age old remedy for Asthma is to cut up some Aloe Vera leaves, place them into a pot of boiling water and breathe in the steam. Another way to accomplish this is to use an atomizer with a stabilized Aloe Vera gel – this way, cold mist can be inhaled as some people with Asthma may have a difficult time breathing in hot steam.


One of the best known Aloe Vera remedies is for healing burns. Apply Aloe Vera ointment directly to the burn and, depending on the severity, try to keep the burn wet with the Aloe Vera for the first 48 hours. This will soothe the pain and speed up healing, as well as reduce the scarring caused by severe burns dramatically.
If the burn was caused by acid, you must wash the burn thoroughly before applying anything or the acid will continue to eat away at the skin underneath the ointment.
You can use the plant as well for this remedy, but by itself, Aloe Vera has astringent properties which can dry the skin, so a good organic ointment is recommended here.

Cancer of the Skin

There have been reports of the total elimination of skin cancer by applying Aloe Vera to the area 2 – 4 times daily for several months. Be sure to continue medical supervision if you want to use this remedy.


Aloe Vera remedies have been used extensively for many digestive issues, including constipation. The part of the plant that actually has a laxative effect is the bitter yellow sap that lies next to the skin of the leaf. The gel itself is not a laxative.
To make your own laxative juice, take leaves from the Aloe plant and cut them up into pieces. Place them into a lidded jar with filtered water and keep in the refrigerator.
Drink a little (an ounce or two) as needed to help your bowels restore their regularity. Replace the water you drink from the jar after each dose. The strength of the mixture is determined by the amount of leaves you put in the jar.


Aloe Vera remedies a cough if used as a tea with Honey. Dilute Aloe with hot water and use Raw Organic Honey (or any natural sweetener that you can handle) to taste since Aloe can be a little bitter.
Aloe Vera is a wonderful soothing agent for the throat because of its anti-inflammatory properties. If you are using fresh aloe from the plant, be careful not to scrape the leaf too hard or you will end up with a drink that induces vomiting instead.

Cuts and Wounds

Aloe Vera remedies have been used since ancient times for cuts and wounds. First, clean the wound. Then apply the pulp of the plant to the wound (or use a good Aloe Vera gel) and wrap the wound with a bandage. Keep the bandage soaked in Aloe Vera juice or ointment. This will make your cut heal faster, with less pain and will reduce scarring.
Aloe Vera remedies will also reduce the risk of infection, or if your wound is already infected, bind a cut leaf to the wound for 12 hours and you will see remarkable improvement.


Apply Aloe Vera gel or ointment directly to the affected area 2 – 3 times a day. This Aloe Vera remedy will help relieve the itching and swelling of eczema.


Drinking an Aloe Vera health tonic (2-4 tablespoons) every day has been reported to restore energy to those who have fatigue. The energy in this case however is probably due to the benefits that Aloe has on the digestive system which allows your body to cleanse itself of toxins faster and utilize more of the nutrients you put in your body.


Using a syringe, insert a few tablespoons of Aloe Vera gel or ointment into the rectum to relieve the itching and burning of hemorrhoids and to allow them to heal faster.

Insect Bites

When bitten by any insect, an immediate application of Aloe Vera plant, gel or ointment will quickly reduce the pain, swelling and itching as well as allow the bite to heal more quickly. Aloe is not as effective if there is a significant delay in using it on the bite.

Poison Ivy, Poison Oak & Poison Sumac

To help relieve the severe itching and swelling that can occur from Poison Ivy, Poison Oak and Sumac, simply spray Aloe Vera juice or apply Aloe Vera gel or plant to the affected areas.

Scar Removal

Apply Aloe Vera gel or ointment to scars twice a day, morning and night. This Aloe Vera remedy requires patience as many people report that it takes up to 6 months to see results. For added benefit, mix the Aloe with Vitamin E oil.

Sore Throat

Gargling with Aloe Vera juice has been effective for some people in relieving the pain of a sore throat. One benefit over other remedies is that you can swallow the juice after gargling to get an effect deeper in the throat.

Stretch Marks

Apply Aloe Vera gel or ointment to the abdomen area twice daily (or anywhere you may see stretch marks) during and after pregnancy to help your skin adjust to the growth and shrinkage caused by pregnancy.


This Aloe Vera remedy has been long used: Apply Aloe Vera plant, juice or gel directly on the affected areas to relieve pain and lessen peeling. For severe sunburn, keep the skin wet with Aloe Vera as much as possible and see your health practitioner if it's very severe.


This Aloe Vera remedy can help soothe the pain of ulcers. Take 2 – 4 tablespoons of either the juice or the gel 4 times daily. It is best taken 30 minutes before each meal as well as at bedtime.

Varicose Veins

Apply Aloe Vera gel directly to varicose veins and allow it to soak into the skin and leave it there. Some people have reported a reduced amount of pain from their varicose veins as well as the veins healing.

General Properties:

The Aloe Vera plant has long spiked leaves that are full of a watery and slimy gel. This gel is what is mostly used for Aloe Vera remedies, although the yellow bitter sap between the skin and the gel is what has the laxative effect that Aloe is know to have.

If you are using the plant for your remedies, rather than a commercial gel or juice, be sure to cut the leaves that are closest to the base, as they are older and more potent in quality. This will also keep your plant looking nice. You can keep portions of the unused cut leaf in the refrigerator for up to three weeks.

Aloe Vera remedies are effective because the Aloe Vera plant is a natural mixture of antibiotic, astringent and coagulating agents as well as being a pain and scar inhibitor and a growth stimulator. The Aloe Vera plant contains a polysaccharide called glucomannan which works in harmony with other polysaccharides present that contain galactose and uronic acids as well as pentoses to provide these healing effects.

Possible Side Effects:

There are no known side effects of Aloe Vera.

That being said, there are some people who may be allergic to it and will experience the opposite effects than those listed above when used. To discover if you may be allergic, rub a small amount of Aloe Vera to the inside of the arm or behind the ear. If a rash or burning sensation develops within a few minutes, do not use Aloe Vera and wash it off of your skin.

Drug Interactions:

  • Oral Corticosteroids:The internal use of Aloe Vera sap, being one of many herbs that have a laxative effect on the body, could theoretically increase the loss of electrolytes that are associated with the use of corticosteroids. Discuss this possible interaction with your health practitioner.
  • Topical Corticosteroids: Check with your health practitioner regarding the topical use of Aloe Vera remedies with Topical Corticosteroids.

Did You Know…?

  • The Aloe family contains about 200 species, the most popular for healing being the Aloe Vera – botanically known as Aloe Barbadenisis.
  • The word "Vera" is a Latin word meaning "true" and was given to this particular species of Aloe because in ancient times, it was thought to have the best medicinal properties of all the Aloe species. More recently however, it has been found that some of the other species in the Aloe family work just as well.
  • Although Aloe resembles cacti in appearance, the species is actually a perennial (lives longer than two years) succulent belonging to the Lily family.
  • The earliest recording of Aloe's many medicinal uses is from a set of Egyptian papers known as thePapyrus Ebers, written in 1500 B.C., claiming Aloe's use for many centuries before its writing.

May 10, 2013

13 natural remedies for the ant invasion
Ants are making their way into homes this time of year. Thankfully there are natural pest control methods to help you cope with and eliminate the problem. Plus, many of the solutions use what you already have in your cupboard!
Little tiny ants have been spotted in our new home, and many people are suffering the same fate across the country. As much as I love spring, I don't like bugs — especially bugs that can infest a house. Last week I asked for some advice in how to deal with ants naturally as I hadn't time to research it myself since I moved this last weekend. I got such good advice, I had to share it with the readers here at MNN as well.
Some of these measures are deterrents. That is, they deter the ants from coming in your house. This seems to work well for those with a mild problem. Others found that they needed to use a method that kills the whole colony of ants. I've compiled the comments and suggestions by category, allowing you to compare the different methods a little more easily. 
1. Lemon juice 
Teresa: We just spray around the openings with pure lemon juice … and it always works for us … something about the acid messes up their sense of tracking…
2. Cinnamon 
Shayla:We use ground cinnamon around where there are coming it. It works really well.
Peggy: We spray cinnamon essential oil all around the doors, windowsills, floors, etc. keeps them from coming in. I put the sugar water and borax OUTSIDE!
Letia: Another vote for ground cinnamon. Easy to clean up afterwards and worked great for us!!!
Jean: Cinnamon and cloves. Makes your house smell nice and the ants just hate it sprinkled right in their path.
Patricia: We also use cinnamon oil. We draw borders around everything with a Q-tip dipped in it. They won’t cross it.
3. Peppermint 
Heather: My mother-in-law has success with peppermint essential oil around windows and doors (any entries). Plus her house then smells awesome.
Julie: Dr. Bonner’s liquid soap in the mint aroma. Mix 1 to 1 with water in a spray bottle. Spray on the ant invasion and watch them suffer.
4. Borax, water and sugar 
Kristi: We use borax, sugar, water and a touch of peanut butter. It takes a couple of weeks but really works. We used it last year in our old house and are implementing it again this spring in our new house. Pesky ants!
Christy: I second Diana’s comment about borax and sugar. I’ve made a thin paste before with water, sugar and borax, then spread it on little pieces of thin cardboard or stiff cardstock and placed them near where it seems they are coming into the house. They’ll eat it and take it back to their colony (just like the Terro liquid you can buy). The paste will dry up in a couple days, so you’ll have to make more. But I think I only had to do it twice before they were gone.
Chookie: What worked for us was a mixture of borax and sugar in water. Several years ago, we lived in a house where there was an ants nest in the walls. Removing it would have meant virtually demolishing the entire front wall of the house (not practical!), so instead, after a year or two of having flying ants swarm into our bedroom every year we decided to go on an ant killing spree. Conventional ant killers didn’t work. Borax and powdered sugar didn’t work. But adding water to the borax and sugar mix to make a thick sugary borax-y syrup DID work…. the worker ants took it back into the nest and it positioned the queen – result = no more flying ants. OK, so borax does need to be kept away from pets and small children, but it is relatively safe beyond that as it is only toxic if you eat it. my solution was to put it somewhere where the kids and the cats would not reach it but the ants could.
BeverlyC: We live in China and had a HORRIBLE ant problem in our house. Tried cinnamon, black pepper, vinegar, etc. etc. We were concerned about the borax because we have guests in and out regularly and the little children are often, well, naughty and undisciplined. When someone suggested Terro liquid ant bait and we found it was just Borax and sugar, we asked someone to bring us some. We could pick the traps up and put them away when company came and put them back out after they left. They worked wonders!!
5. Boiling water and dish soap 
Jennie: We make sure all of our food is sealed up. The honey jar is usually the biggest ant magnet, so it gets a thorough washing and then is placed on a small water-filled saucer in the cupboard. We use a spray bottle filled with water and a squirt of liquid dish soap (I use Seventh Generation) to kill any visible ants. I also look around outside to try to find their hill; pouring a kettle of boiling water on it solves the problem.
Christy:  I’ve done what Jennie mentioned too – boiling water will destroy an ant colony, or weeds popping up between sidewalk cracks or in mulch. It’s an easy, purely natural way to kill things that we don’t often think about.
6. Diatomaceous earth 
Karen: Yes … diatomaceous earth (DE) works well … use food-grade not swimming pool DE. It should be sprinkled around the perimeter of your new home and you can also safely sprinkle it inside where you see them. Do not wet the DE or it will not work. DE isn’t an instant kill but should resolve the problem within a week or so.
Jami: I have a pretty serious any invasion at my house too. When I moved in last April they had already made themselves at home. I did the cinnamon thing last year and worked ok, but they just kept finding new ways in. My ants weren’t attracted to sugary things, but protein, especially the dog food. This year I made some borax cookies and put them in the old fireplace where I noticed the ants returning a week ago. I also sprinkled DE around the perimeter of my kitchen and that seems to have worked better than anything so far for immediate results.
7. Chalk  
Natalie: Oh! And they will not cross a line drawn in chalk. I drew a line around my window where they were coming in and it kept them at bay. 
Anali: My grandparents has really good results with the line of chalk, they used powder that you can get at home improvement stores. It comes in a squeezey bottle so it’s easy to lay down a line with.
8. Baking soda and powdered sugar 
Jennifer: Ants carry an acidic substance with them always for protection. I do a mix of baking soda and powdered sugar in a plastic lid set in strategic places. I think a little volcanic science experiment happens inside their bodies. Over the course of several days it has made a huge difference.
9. Coffee grounds
Lea: I have had success with used coffee grounds, I did know where their entry was, after putting it in the cracks they never returned. I also do know it doesn’t kill them, it just makes them move homes, (we have put them on beds outside and we just see them pop up a small distance away.
10. Cornmeal
Jill: One more thing to add to this. I saw somewhere to use corn meal. Well, it worked out since some moths got into my cornmeal, and I felt bad wasting it. That’s when I saw the idea and tried it. I sprinkled a little bit just off the back porch. Every day I would check and every day the same trail of ants was still there. Then I forgot about it. My daughter found another ant nest further out in the yard, and it made me remember to check the last trail. It was gone, completely gone. So, I sprinkled it on the new nest, and less than a week later, it is gone. If you google it there are a ton of places where it mentions it. Here’s just one link, and if you scroll to the Tip there is still another idea using molasses. Although if cornmeal will work I think it’s cheaper, and safer around kids and pets.
11. Cream of Wheat 
Rebecca: Cream of wheat! They eat it & it expands & they explode! Ha! I used it in my garden for ant problems. Kind of makes you wonder what it does to our insides when we eat it too
12. Vinegar 
Kristie: Vinegar! Since we switched to using a vinegar/water solution for mopping the floors and cleaning the counters, our ant problem has vanished.
Mysty: Vinegar is the one sure solution, but you need to pour it where the ants have their nest, not just to where they walk around. If you find their nest just pour about 0.5-1 L of white (cheap) vinegar. I never had ant problems but my grandparents sometimes has as they has a big farm and there is always an ant problem is some corner of the farm 
Cath: We used a mixture of vinegar, washing up liquid (ecover) and peppermint oil last year. Tracked them back to their nest and syringed it into the cracks. They never came back.
13. Equal 
Tea Leaf: We killed our ants by mixing Equal packets with apple juice. It is a neurotoxin to the ants. Scary that people put these in their coffee.

Homeopathic Remedies:Erectile dysfunction, also called impotence


The pharmaceutical industry thought they were on to something really big when they developed drugs like Viagra to overcome erectile dysfunction. However,the truth is that holistic healthcare practitioners like homeopaths, herbalists and acupuncturists have been successfully treating impotence in men with natural remedies for thousands of years. Conventional drugs carry a long list of unpleasant side effects whereas alternative approaches are often less likely to cause any -- such as painful erections lasting for many hours or heart attacks and strokes.

Erectile dysfunction, also called impotence, is common to men worldwide and at all stages of life. Although the terminology covers a wide range of possible disorders, it primarily refers to a man's difficulty getting or maintaining an erection.

Homeopathic remedies provide excellent results for a wide range of problems related to erectile dysfunction, which may be caused by either physical or psychological problems or both.


Agnus Castus: This remedy may be helpful for men who have experienced frequent and intense sexual activity for a number of years and are now having difficulties maintaining an erection. A sensation of coldness of the genitals is a guiding symptom indicating the need for this remedy.

Argentum nitricum: This remedy is indicated when a man is unable to keep an erection when coitus is initiated and when thinking about the problem makes it worse. It is most effective in men who are worried, anxious, hurried and very warm-blooded.

Caladium: This remedy may offer relief to a man who is completely unable to get an erection even when he has strong sexual libido. These men may also experience nocturnal emissions even without an erection.

Selenium metallicum: This remedy may be helpful for men who have a wealth of sexual fantasies but experience diminished ability, especially when their impotence  begins after a fever or illness. They may feel weak and exhausted, but still possess a sexual interest. The erection may be insufficient, weak, slow to occur with premature ejaculation.

Staphysagria: This remedy is indicated especially if there is a history of abuse, which can by physical or emotional, where the individual is subjected to a misuse of power. Most likely he was unable to defend himself for whatever reason. Impotence may occur due to shyness or embarrassment. Men needing this remedy are often emotionally suppressed and extremely sensitive.

Lycopodium: This remedy may provide relief for older men and those who are not able to achieve an erection. They may have an enlarged prostate. The man needing Lycopodium may lack self-confidence and also be domineering, in an attempt to hide his feelings of inferiority.

Baryta Carbonica: This remedy is helpful for treatment of premature ejaculation as well as the inability to get an erection. It helps men who have no sexual desire to build their libido. Additionally, it provides support for the prostate and reduces the need for frequent urination.

Sabal serrulata (Saw palmetto): This remedy helps to reduce enlarged prostates and improve sexual function, increasing a man's desire. It is helpful for men who feel sexually aroused but are unable to get an erection.

Men experiencing erectile dysfunction should not try and treat themselves. It's important to seek the assistance of a knowledgeable homeopathic practitioner who will choose a remedy that best fits your individual needs.

Migraine:, do you know how extremely painful they are

 Migraine:, do you know how extremely painful they are.  do You know what the first symptoms are, such as vision loss or pins and needle feeling, and you dread what is to come.

The American Academy of Neurology and the American Headache Society specified some of the natural remedies to treat migraines.

Butterbur - Any form of this herb is toxic, except for the processed supplement. The chemicals in butterbur help relieve spasms and decrease inflammation, which can cause headaches. Another study on migraines showed that patients who took 75 milligrams of butterbur twice daily experienced 48 percent fewer migraines.

Omega 3s - These healthy fats can fight off inflammation, which is likely to be the cause of many headaches and even migraines. A few daily recommendations are flax seeds, salmon, and fish oil supplements.

Magnesium -
Research done by Mauskop showed that people who experience migraines can be deficient in magnesium. A small study showed that the daily consumption of magnesium supplements reduced the frequency of migraines by 42 percent, compared to only about 16 percent in patients given a placebo pill.

Riboflavin -
Although this study found that riboflavin in doses that would need to be prescribed by a doctor helped migraine relief, it still helped ward them off. Riboflavin is found in foods like milk, meat, nuts and green veggies.

Feverfew - This is one of the oldest herbal remedies for migraines; this plant can be eaten raw or steeped in tea. Alexander Mauskop, M.D., and a board certified neurologist who focuses on headaches states that this herb can help treat migraines. The reason is because it contains a powerful chemical called parthenolide, which has been known to fight migraines. The earliest study comes out of Great Britain in the 1980's, showing that 70 percent of people who chewed a few leaves each day saw their symptoms improve.

Water -
As obvious as it sounds, many headaches are caused by dehydration. If you know how to catch migraines early, drinking water immediately can actually stop a migraine in its tracks says Mauskop.

Most of these recommendations are person specific, and it is beneficial to try a number of things to see what works best for you. If you are tired of relying on medications to help your migraines, this is a great place to start.