May 12, 2013

Lemon based popular medications for your health

There are a great many citric-based medications, which is advisable to use as popular medications. Lime juice supplies the body with vitamin C and B, and minerals such as: calcium, phosphorus and magnesium. Lemon has antibacterial effect. Should you consider choose lemon yellow, not green reflexes. Lime values ​​begin to lose after a week, if we in the ambient temperature. If you keep in the fridge, their values ​​exceed (2-3 weeks). Lemon based popular treatments are:
Temperature. Drink warm water with lemon when you have to reduce the temperature. Helps in reducing its fluid, increasing sweat.
throat infections. Lemon offers antibacterial features that help in the treatment of throat infections. Drink half a glass of lemon juice before going to sleep.
Sore throat. Mitigate sore throat, drinking a lemon juice, along with a spoonful of honey. To make a curative syrup mix 4 tablespoons of lemon juice, a cup of honey and half a glass of olive oil. Heat the mixture for 5 minutes and then eat from a spoon every 2 hours.
respiratory problems. Treat breathing problems by drinking water with lemon, a treatment that can help a person who suffers from asthma, breathing better.
digestive problems. Mix lemon juice with warm water to treat digestive problems such as: burning stomach, parasites, vomiting and bounce.
minor wounds. You can stop bleeding and disinfektoni minor wounds, applying on them a small amount of lemon juice. This can cause a little burning, but it is good to our health.
Bleeding from nose. Take lemon juice on a piece of cotton and place carefully to the nose, where you bleed.
cure rheumatism. Since lemon contains diuretics quantities, can be used to cure rheumatism and arthritis. Moreover, it helps in eliminating bacteria from the body.
facial skin. Lemon can rejuvenate facial skin. Fluid also helps to combat the signs of aging, such as black points or wrinkles. Suffice it to coat your face with the juice of half a lemon mixed with a spoonful of honey and leave to act for 10-15 minutes.
dental pain. Put fresh lemon juice on the tooth that hurts you, to remove the pain. bleeding from gums. Massage with lemon juice to stop bleeding gums. Fluid can remove the smell caused by gums.