May 12, 2013

Natural Remedies for Arthritis in Children

Arthritis natural remedies treatment in children, now a days this is one of the common problem faced by many of the parents. Some of them are not aware of this problem, even they are not taking some simple measures which will helps in the treatment of arthritis in children.
Generally Arthritis problem occurred in children are due to lack of calcium, which is essential to stronger the bones. If the children food is not rich in calcium, then they are the easy victims for Arthritis.

First of all parents of children should know, what kind of diet will helps to stronger their bones. Here are the some of the natural remedies for arthritis in children are given for your information purpose, which are very helpful and very natural. Please keep in mind, that you should take some systematic approach and time while giving food to children, which will not only helps to cure arthritis problem, also helps to increase their resistance power, which is most necessary to get rid of any common ailments or diseases.

Natural Remedies for Arthritis in Children

  1. Give 150 ml of milk daily, which should drink by mixing the water.
  2. Try to give leafy vegetables curries in food, which are rich in calcium. In leafy vegetables, Spinach is the one which has very rich in calcium.
  3. If you eat non vegetarian, then give fish as food for once in a week at least.
  4. Eating of one boiled egg per day is very beneficial, which helps to stronger the bones of children.
  5. Give at least 4 almonds daily in the morning.
  6. Yogurt fruit is a calcium rich food.
If you could have not given the calcium rich foods, then there is a risk of fractures and osteoporosis.
Also each parents should know, how much calcium needed for children daily. Here is the Food and Nutrition Board of the National Academy of Sciences recommends:
  1. 1 – 3 years : 500 mg of calcium needed.
  2. 4 – 8 years : 800 mg of calcium needed.
  3. 9 – 18 years : 1300 mg of calcium needed.
If any of the children are having the arthritis problem, if you could have given the above natural remedies, which helps to stronger their bones, in soon they will get rid of all kinds of arthritis problem.