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Feb 15, 2018

Home Remedies For Dandruff : APPLE CIDER VINEGAR

Apple cider vinegar is the store for many disease fighting properties. One of them is dryness of the scalp and dandruff. Apple cider vinegar is highly acidic and hence influences the pH of your scalp, making it very effective natural home remedy for dandruff.

 If you have the dandruff growing on scalp due to the growth of yeast, then it is dead sure that apple cider vinegar would leave no chance for these bacteria to survive. Once yeast is dead, your dandruff will also vanish within a few days. 

 Mix a quarterp ap cuple cider vinegar ith a quarter cup water in a spray bottle and spray it on your wscalp. Wrap your head in a towel and let sit for 15 minutes to an hour, and then wash your hair as usual. You can also massage your scalp with this mixture as if you are oiling your hair if spraying in inconvenient.

Home Remedies For Dandruff : BAKING SODA

A product generally used for cooking can also be used to treat many skin ailments including scalp issues like dandruff. You can find the key to an itch-free, flake-free scalp in your kitchen cupboard making it an effective natural home remedy for dandruff. 

Rinse your hair with water and then massage the baking soda on wet scalp. With this one you do not need to use shampoo as it will make the skin dry. Baking soda reduces overactive fungi that can cause dandruff. Your hair may get dried out at first, but after a few weeks your scalp will start producing natural oils, leaving your hair softer and free of flakes.

Home Remedies For Dandruff : TEA TREE OIL

Shampoos generally contain tea tree oil in varying percentage. According to a recent finding, all the shampoos containing tea tree oil can heal up the scalp and remove dandruff from it. 

If this is true, then why can’t we use this in natural form? Whichever shampoo you are using, you can continue to go with the same but with a flavor of tea tree oil. Add a few drops of this oil to your favorite shampoo to get relief in dandruff and also to get a natural home remedy for dandruff.

Home Remedies For Dandruff with aspirin

Many shampoos available in market, specifically made to deal with dandruff contain salicylic acid which is the main ingredient known to fight with dandruff. Aspirin also contains the same active ingredient; therefore aspirin can be one option to fight with dandruff.

 You can keep the flaking under control by using aspirin powder. Crush two aspirin tablets to make fine powder. Add this powder to the shampoo you are using every time you rinse your hair. In order to let it do its work, leave the mixture on head for a few minutes. To remove the smell and traces of aspirin powder, wash again with normal shampoo, this is a great natural home remedy for dandruff.

Feb 8, 2018

Simple Home Remedies For Children

With the start of winter season cold knocks the door and in summers diarrhea do not let us live with peace. It is really miserable to see your child getting sick for no valid reason. 

Most of the time it is the weather transition or some other kind of infection that bothers your little kid. 

Every parent spends a lot of time worrying about the child’s illness that they often have to deal with. It is not uncommon to see a child suffering form cold, stomachache, cough, infections, diarrhea, tooth aches and stomach rashes. Almost all of them are because of germs and bacteria that are present in the environment surrounding us.

The difference between children and adults comes as the strength of immune system. Our children are more likely to have these health problems than us. The reason is as we grow up from a child into adult, we naturally have a strong immunity towards all types of infections that bother us in childhood every now and then. Till our children develop enough power to fight with these diseases on their own, we can assist them with some home remedies. 

We choose home remedies over traditional medication because generally, homemade remedies are harmless when compared to other forms of modern medicines and rarely cause reactions or side effects. These natural remedies for children will make sure your child spends his/ her childhood playing with friends and learning at school, not by frequently visiting the doctors. Have a look at these simple home remedies that are common in availability but are actually miraculous in terms of effectiveness.


For the school-age child in particular, food means more than just energy. It provides the solid foundation for growth and development. Give your child a choice of foods but only among healthy foods. Try to prepare most of there meals at home to avoid stale eating. Include fruit, vegetables, wholegrain cereals, lean meats and fish, and low-fat dairy foods. 

Also healthy eating isn’t only about food choices; it’s also about eating on a regular, predictable basis in a social way. Healthy eating habits, for example, are key to a lifetime of healthy eating and better overall health and also effective natural home remedies for children: learning to like a variety of healthy foods sets the stage for the generous consumption of fruits and vegetables and other low-fat, nutrient dense foods.

 So try to develop the taste towards healthy foods and do not allow them to eat anything anytime. Make a time schedule for their meals and somehow make them follow the same.


tokTurmeric is not only great from preventing us from infections; it is also all your brain needs. All of us are very well aware of all the heath benefits of turmeric but this one is rarely known. By taking turmeric, you can improve the oxygen intake of the brain, which helps in all of the brain’s functions and processes. Turmeric is extremely healing for the brain and for increasing memory function and a highly potent natural home remedy for children.


Stomachache is the most common complaint in childhood years. Next time your child will not miss his school if you use fennel seeds to reduce his pain, which are really effective home remedies for children. They can be due to constipation, indigestion, gas, acid reflux, stomach flu, food poisoning, over eating, colic and swallowing air. Add 1 teaspoon of crushed fennel seeds to 1 cup of hot water and steep for 10 minutes. Strain, add a little honey and have your child drink it slowly 2 times a day.

Too much of anything is good for nothing, especially when it is the hazardous screen. Playing excess of video games or watching their favorite car cartoon show for hours not only influences your eye sight but also increases snacking. This leads to obesity on thereby increases the chances of cardiovascular diseases. These are not at all healthy habits and you should avoid your child inculcating these. This simple alteration in lifestyle is a natural home remedy for children.


Cold is very common and equally annoying issue especially with our children. This irritating health issue hampers our child’s playing for 3 days to a week. Honey contains minerals, amino acids, vitamins, and antioxidants which allows it to boost the immune system to prevent colds and provide more energy. Regularly consuming honey will help treat colds and their symptoms, as well as many other health problems, making it a very effective natural home remedy for children.

 If your little one does not like to consume it in raw form, add one tablespoon honey to warm water or tea to improve to taste. If the cold is very serious then add lemon and ginger to honey. Honey should be raw, organic, and un-pasteurized to yield the best results.


Whether it is the environment they live in, or there cloths and hands keep everything safe enough. Maintain cleanliness inside your house, in your child’s room and toys. Make it his regular practice to wash hands before he/ she eats anything is a very effective natural home remedy for children. This will reduce the chances of him being infected.


Ginger is one of the oldest known herbs and condiments known to man. For many thousands of years, it has been used as a medicine as well as a culinary additive spice. The health benefits of ginger include relief from digestive issues, relief from cough and cold, remedy from other respiratory diseases like influenza, bronchitis, whooping cough, relief from nausea, stomach ache, motion sickness and seasickness, healing of gastric ulcers and protection of liver.

 Though liver is a strong and resilient organ in the body, liver of an infant still might not be strong. In such cases, ginger can also be given to your baby to strengthen liver, as it is a natural and effective home remedy for children.  As far as the question of being it safe to be included in our diet is concerned, there is no doubt at it. You can give this spice in little amount to your baby without worrying about the side effects.


Adequate sleep is an important component of an overall health. Sleep has direct impact on immediate and future physical, social, emotional and mental health. A child should have ample of sleep without fail so that he/ she can perform well in all her big and small activities. It is difficult for a child to learn when he is falling asleep in class or is hungry.

 A young child needs about ten hours of sleep a night. Set a regular bedtime for your child and stick to it, as it can be the most natural home remedy for children. If due to any reason he/ she suffers from sleeplessness, find out the reason and work on it, otherwise it will start affecting his health soon.


Make them run, walk and play. Whatever they feel like doing let them do it but make sure they go out and play. Play is essential to development because it contributes to the cognitive, physical, social, and emotional well-being of children and youth, as well as a really effective natural home remedy for children.

 This will help them in improving their concentration, digest the food fast and will definitely make them happier and healthier child. Keep in mind the power of modeling, your child learns mostly from what you do yourself, not from what you tell her to do. Encourage them to take part in outdoor activities rather than just sitting on the couch the whole day.


Olive oil is something that is multipurpose tool and a natural home remedy for children. You can apply it on skin as moisturizer, it will keep your babies skin soft and attractive. You can make your child have it daily in some form or the other; it will benefit his/ her bones. You can also use 2 parts of olive oil for 1 part of water, beat it hardly and apply it on diaper rashes after that. Including olive oil in your baby diet helps to avoid constipation. Sometimes children suffer accidents when they are playing or in other situations, you can use olive oil by putting it over the affected areas in order to avoid future scars due to the skin dryness. In all make sure olive oil is present in you house if you have a child.

The effect of under nutrition on young children can be devastating and enduring. It can impede behavioral and cognitive development, educability, and reproductive health, thereby undermining future work productivity. The higher your energy level is, the more efficient your body will be. 

The more efficient your body, the better you feel and the more you will use your talent to produce outstanding results. So, is you want your child to grow as a healthy and fit adult make sure you give him/ her proper nutritious diet which include all the necessary element he/ she requires for his/ her growth. 

With this you decrease the probability of him/ her getting ill by almost half times. What is left that you can take care of is the hygiene and habits that will define his/ her immediate health. Living a healthy lifestyle will only deprive you of poor health, lethargy, and fat. So, you have to decide what your child should be given and what not. 

With these home remedies for children, you can surely make a protective cover for your child against various diseases till he grows into an adult with the required internal protection.

Acne Home Remedies

Acne is a very common problem that affects many people just like me. Despite of taking good care about my health and diet, I was not able to avoid those irritating marks on my face. Every morning while brushing, I used to tally whether the count was the same or it has increased. Although it is an extremely common issue, but it takes all your self confidence out of you and you feel very low every time. The same thing happened to me as well. That is why I decided to write about the best home remedies for acne that have been tried and tested over a good period of time. These simple natural remedies for acne will heal your acne and pimples in a natural and holistic manner.

I can’t explain how I felt when I saw them increasing daily on my face. Near the nose, forehead and chin I started having the pimples everywhere. Above that, visiting the doctor and spending dollars on antibiotics was not at all helping my skin get rid of these. Then I decided to go for a beauty treatment which claimed to remove these permanently. Although the cost was quite high, but I was happy anyway because I got rid of the acne problem in just three sittings. I was feeling on the top of the world without even realizing that this enthusiasm was just so temporary. I spent more than what I did for antibiotics in total, just to see them back on my face within 3 weeks.

I started feeling even more depressed after feeling beautiful for three weeks as I wanted to stay the same. But somewhere inside my heart I knew it was impossible. I started believing that once you start getting these pimples, they are not ready to leave you until I got to know about the permanent solution. Or I should say until I tried its permanent solution to say good bye to my greatest enemy.

Home Remedies For Acne That Will Bring Relief

I read about these simple yet very effective home remedies for acne that can help your skin look flawless and remove every trace of acne problem. I could not trust it, but convinced myself easily to try it once as it was almost free of cost. All I needed was my personal efforts and it was just so simple to execute the home remedies for acne. I felt so stupid for bearing the acne issue on my face for months, and then giving such a high cost for just not seeing them for three weeks. I wish I could have got these ideas a bit earlier; it could have saved my time and money both.

Apple cider vinegar kills the bacteria that may be the reason behind your acne problem. If you skin is oily, acne home remedies suggests using citrus fruits like lemon, it will remove excess of moisture form the skin and make it dry. On the top of it, apple cider vinegar, which maintains a pH of skin that is totally unfavourable for the bacteria to survive. All you have to do is mix 1 portion of apple cider vinegar in 3 portions of water and apply it on clean skin daily, however, it comes under the adult acne home remedies.
Green tea is one of the most important home remedies for acne. It has antimicrobial and antioxidant properties that can help fight acne. While drinking green tea is really beneficial for your health, using it as a face wash after cooling removes all traces of acne from your face gradually.

Applying honey as a mask on your face introduces the antibiotic properties of honey to your skin and kills off the bacteria causing acne issues. Not only this,use honey as home remedies to get rid of acne, as it also makes your skin glow with radiance. You have two benefits from the same product.

Rubbing gently banana peel will make your skin look better in many ways. It will give the necessary moisture and also make sure that once your acne issue is gone, it never comes back again. How’s that for home remedies to get rid of acne forever.

One of easiest and more commonly used home remedies for acne is Egg White. Egg white is easily available, affordable and effective way to reduce acne and fade away its scars. They are useful in dealing with acne due to their protein and vitamin rich composition. These two not only help in deleting the pimples, but also makes sure that your skin is totally healed up. Egg white also soaks up excess oil, which means excess sebum, which means less stuff for bacteria to feed on. But remember to use a good quality moisturiser to make up for the dryness introduced due to this.

These are not tasty alone in eating but beneficial for applying on skin. Mesh on strawberry and make a paste by mixing it with one tablespoon of honey. Apply it on you face and leave it as it is for 10 minutes. Repeat the practice every other day to see the effect.

You might have come across this name earlier. Also whenever you have read about home remedies for acne, or about any other skin problem. It is very effective for every type of skin problem, but specifically for acne it is the best treatment. Apply tea tree oil with the help of cotton balls on your skin and see the improvement in just a few days.
Papaya is the main component of almost all the beauty products available in market today. But the thing to note is that papaya is best to be used in its natural form, for acne home remedies. Rubbing your skin with plain raw papaya leaves it fresh and fine. Use the papaya in mashed form to say good bye to acne.

Did you know mint can also be used to deal with skin problems? It safely removes the oil that may have clogged the pores due to which our skin is unable to breathe. To effectively utilize home remedies for acne, and clear acne before it begins, mix 2 tablespoons of finely chopped fresh mint with two tablespoons each of plain yoghurt and oatmeal. Apply the mixture on face and leave it for 15 minutes. After that, wash your face with cold water.
Not only their taste is refreshing, you can even make use of the orange peel that we usually throw in the dustbin. Yes, acne home remedies suggests, you can eliminate the acne caused by clogged pores and bacterial infection with the help of orange peel paste. All you have to do is grind the orange peel and add some water to make a paste. Apply this paste on the sin regularly.

Abrasion Home Remedies - Tea Tree Oil

Abrasion Home Remedies #9- Tea Tree Oil

After seeing this name a lot times for a number of health problems, I don’t think you guys are now unfamiliar with this wonderful home remedy. If you still confuse this plant with the tea plant just because of the name it has, let me tell you that this is not even a sibling of it. Tea and tea tree are two different plants with two different purposes. Tea tree oil has already been used since years for fulfilling many purposes use of it in the cosmetics like shampoos, soaps, face wash, massage oils, nail creams etc. Further use of includes its scope in the medicinal zones due to its antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties.

These properties of tea tree oil make it a beneficial remedy for taking care of many health and skin problems like acne, dandruff, psoriasis, eczema, toenail fungus, ringworm, oral health, herpes lesions, cancer, insect bites, sunburns, congestions, respiratory tract infections, earaches, chickenpox etc. There are many more problems apart from the mentioned above. These different zones include both mild and chronic health problems. Well, this may seem to you like a dream that a single remedy is capable of helping you get rid of your troubles.
That’s not over yet. We have not yet discussed about the benefit of tea tree oil in treating the abrasions. Applying tea tree oil on the affected area will not only keep it infections free, but will help in early healing also. The antibacterial, astringent, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties of tea tree oil place it among the most effective home remedies for abrasions. For applying tea tree oil on abrasions will not demand much effort of yours. Dilute 2-3 drops of tea tree oil in a cup of water and apply it on the wound. Do it 3-4 times a day. Repeating the process for a few days will help you get rid of the abrasion soon.
Abrasions are uninvited and completely unplanned. But even if you get them, there are plenty of home remedies for abrasions.  Along with that we have provided you some details about the other benefits of these remedies too. No antiviral or topical cream can do it for you. If you take a pill, it will treat only the problem for which you are taking it and will not help you anywhere else. Instead, more possibly these antivirals will gift you one or the other health problem in the form of side-effects.

Abrasion Home Remedies - Garlic

Abrasion Home Remedies #8- Garlic

The strong smell and delicious taste of garlic make it a perfect kitchen ingredient to be added in almost all the dishes of the Asian cuisine. Although, it doesn’t give you that favorable taste if eaten raw, but after getting cooked in dishes, it plays a major role in giving them a tempting smell and taste. Garlic has been used since the times of our ancestors and forefathers, but not only for the kitchen purpose; instead for many other benefits this ordinary ingredient gives us. The major benefit out of all is the health benefit it provides us.

Everything garlic provides us is due to the presence of a sulfur compound, named allicin, which is known to provide all the health benefits whenever we consume even a small amount of garlic. Apart from that, garlic is also known to contain several vital nutrients like magnesium, vitamin B6, vitamin C, copper, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamin B1, selenium, fiber etc. You can see yourself that garlic contains almost all the necessary nutrients that our body requires for proper growth and maintenance. There different zones where garlic can help you include treating common cold, high blood pressure, psoriasis, athlete’s pain, acne, cold sores etc.
Considering garlic for abrasions will not seem to be a wrong decision. Allicin due to the presence of antiviral and antibacterial properties makes garlic a perfect soother for the abrasions. Although, this remedy may not be in your favorite list due to the reason of stinking, but on the other side, it prevents the affected are from getting infected and provides faster healing. If you are ready to do some compromise over the stinking problem, this is one of the best home remedies for abrasions. You don’t need to do much effort for applying it. Grind some garlic cloves to make a paste out of it. Apply the paste on the affected area and leave it as it is. Repeat the process 2-3 times a day. Performing the same for a few more days can help you get rid of the abrasion soon. But, one important thing you need to take care is to sterilize the wound before applying garlic on it.

Abrasion Home Remedies - Apple Cider Vinegar

Abrasion Home Remedies #7- Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is not a name you are unfamiliar with. This natural healer is no less than the other home remedies like tea tree oil or aloe vera etc. Many purposes for which you can use this home remedy include dealing with diabetes, cancer, heart problems, high cholesterol, weight issues, cough and cold, hiccups, sore throat, upset tummy, dandruff, acne etc. You can yourself see that it covers almost all the mild to chronic zones of our health problems. This is possible completely due to the powerful healing compounds present in apple cider vinegar, i.e. acetic acid, magnesium, potassium, probiotics and enzymes.

Not only that, apple cider vinegar is a perfect energy booster also. You can use apple cider vinegar as a hair conditioner, teeth whitener and a household cleaner too. Further you can use this kitchen ingredient for salad dressing too. A morning smoothie made up of apple cider vinegar can make your day and application of it diluted in water on your face can give you your desired skin tone. It approaches all the fields and scopes available. Isn’t it?
Further if we talk about apple cider vinegar for abrasions, believe me it is not going to disappoint you in any way. It acts as an amazing astringent and works to cleanse the wound so as to keep it free from germs. What you require doing is to add 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to 3-4 tablespoons of water and apply it directly on the affected area. Repeat the process several times a day. Consistent practice for a few days will help healing the wound faster and help you get rid of your abrasion and associated pain soon. It is the healing efficiency of apple cider vinegar that insists you to choose this out of all the home remedies for abrasions.

Abrasion Home Remedies - Lavender oil

Abrasion Home Remedies #6- Lavender oil

It is possible that you may or may not be familiar with its benefits, but, most of you must be aware of at least the name of this natural ingredient. Lavender oil comes from the lavender plant, an evergreen shrub that is known to carry the beautiful scented flowers. This is not a new face in the market; instead it has been used for various purposes since last 2,500 years. In ancient times, this oil was used by the Egyptians to perform the process of “mummification” and as a perfume. It was used by Romans in bathing, cooking and for scenting the air. This actually was considered to be a holy natural ingredient (The use of lavender oil in soaps, perfumes, cosmetics etc. is still continued).

Later on the lavender oil started to be used in various other purposes like reducing anxiety and emotional stress, improving sleep, restoring skin complexion and reducing acne and its scars, improving eczema and psoriasis, improving digestion, keeping your hair in a maintained structure etc. The antimicrobial, antioxidant, and healing properties allow it to perform all these functions. Lavender oil can also be used as an anti-aging agent. It slows down the aging process due to its powerful antioxidant properties. Apart from this, some of the health problems like diabetes, headaches etc. can also be easily treated using lavender oil. Although, it is not that famous like aloe vera and honey, it is still a very effective and beneficial remedy for many health conditions.
If you say about the abrasions, the antibacterial and antiseptic properties of lavender oil place it in the list of best home remedies for abrasions. What you require doing is to apply some lavender oil directly on the abraded skin and leave it as it is allowing it to set over there. Repeat the process twice daily until you get rid of your trouble. Lavender oil even helps in regeneration of cells and enhances blood clotting.

Abrasion Home Remedies - Honey

Abrasion Home Remedies #5- Honey

This natural sweet and delicious is among the oldest remedies for many health problems of earth. And of course, if such remedy is here to help your treat your various health problems, who will wish to deny. Honey is a wonderful remedy for treating and preventing many health problems like cancer, heart disease, ulcers, gastrointestinal disorders, cough, chest congestion, blood sugar regulation, sunburn, diarrhea, nausea, eyesight, weight loss urinary tract disorders etc. All these benefits are possible due to the antiseptic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antifungal and antiviral properties. Along with all these benefits, honey is known to be a perfect immunity booster also.

This is not over yet. The soothing, nourishing, moisturizing properties of honey allow you to use honey for face and hair. This sweet edible ingredient is also used in preparing many sweet dishes and the amazing part is that, it is the most delicious ingredient in those dishes too. The sweetness and properties that nature has induced in honey are all only for our well-being. So, why running after those harmful as well as bitter medicines when God has gifted us with such beautiful gift?
Mentioned above are all the different health benefits of honey, but something is missing in that list, i.e. abrasions. You’ll be amazed to know that honey is one among the best home remedies for abrasions. The anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and healing properties of honey work fabulously in treating your abrasions. Well, that’s good. Now not only your tongue, but your skin can also taste the sweet taste of honey. What you require doing is to clean your abrasion and apply some honey on it. Cover it with a bandage which will be further removed after an hour. Wash your abrasion after removing the bandage with lukewarm water. It will provide you relief. Repeat the process 2-3 times daily for a few days. You’ll get the positive results soon.

Abrasion Home Remedies - Coconut oil

Abrasion Home Remedies #4- Coconut oil

None of you is unfamiliar with this daily usage ingredient of every home. Coconut oil is not limited to be used in any particular field. If you say about the medicinal purposes, the antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory etc. properties make it a perfect treatment solution for many health problems. The next that comes after health is beauty. Coconut oil gives you the best when applied to the skin and hair. It provides the perfect nourishment and glow to the skin as well as the perfect texture and shine to the hair. The moisturizing and soothing properties make is the best friend of your skin and hair. But, do you know about the vital element behind every success of coconut oil?

Well, it is monolaurin. Monolaurin present in coconut oil makes it efficient of performing everywhere we require using it. This vital substance is made up of nontoxic glycerin and lauric acid. Monolaurin is responsible for coconut oil helping our immune system fight against all the foreign attacks done on our body. Being an immune enhancer, coconut oil is also used in cooking various dishes. Although it is not considered that tasty, but, it is full of the nutrients and properties ready to help you everytime you need it.
Apart from all these, coconut oil can be a great help in treating your abrasions too. Its anti-inflammatory, healing and moisturizing properties help healing your abrasion fast. The monolaurin here helps making a thick layer on the affected area and protecting it from the dust or other harmful elements. Using this one out of all the home remedies for abrasions is not that difficult. You just require applying the virgin coconut oil on the affected area and let it set over there. It will speed up the healing process and make you see the results soon.

Abrasion Home Remedies - Aloe vera

Abrasion Home Remedies #3- Aloe vera

This miracle plant is itself a complete medicine capable to treat most of your health problems alone. It doesn’t require any assistance anywhere. There is rarely any disease that cannot be healed by aloe vera; whether it is mild skin problem or the chronic viral infection. The translucent gel of aloe vera contains 96% of water, various amino acids, vitamins A, B, C and E. Aloe vera has been used in various forms for many medicinal purposes since ages. Although it is bitter in taste, hence, not satisfying your taste buds, but it is still famous worldwide just because of its healing properties.

Along with all the antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, immunity enhancing properties, there is one more thing that makes aloe vera the best friend of your health and body. That vital element is the complex carbohydrate in the form of acemannan. This element helps the essential nutrients to reach all the cells and tissues, nourish them and make them free from the toxins. The uses of aloe vera is not just limited to the medical purpose; instead it is used in many beauty products also due to its ability to provide a soothed and glowing skin. I have personally been using this natural remedy for many months to maintain the health and glow of my face.
Apart from all these benefits, if we talk about abrasions, aloe vera is one of the best home remedies for abrasions. This is possible due to the healing and anti-inflammatory properties of aloe vera. To apply aloe vera on your abrasion, what you need to do is to cut an aloe vera leaf from the plant and tear it apart extracting its inner gel. Apply that gel directly on the affected area and allow it to remain on the skin. Repeat the process 2-3 times a day for a few days to get the best results.

Abrasion Home Remedies : Indian Lilac

Abrasion Home Remedies #2- Indian Lilac

Indian Lilac is also known as “Neem”. Unlike turmeric, India lilac is not a kitchen ingredient, but, it is also equally popular, although in the medical field. It is a well-known herb of Ayurveda, naturopathy, unani and homeopathic medicines. Mainly native to Asia, neem has been used in taking care of many skin and health problems like dandruff, skin allergies, oral health, diabetes, intestinal worms arthritis pain, nails problems, deadly disease cancer etc. Along with all these benefits, neem is a blood purifier too. Although it tastes really bad, but the consumption of just a glass of neem juice daily in the morning can be of real help to provide you a fit and healthy body.

The antifungal, antibacterial, antiseptic, analgesic, antipyretic, anti-diabetic, blood purifying and spermicidal properties of Indian Lilac make it capable of providing all the above mentioned health benefits. You can consume neem via different methods like neem juice, neem oil, neem paste etc. It is really beneficial in treating acne and other skin problems too. That is why neem face wash is recommended to the girls with acne prone skin. An interesting fact associated with all these benefits is that Indian Lilac is a real immunity enhancer. If a person with compromised immunity drinks a glass of neem juice daily, it will be really beneficial for him.
Apart from all this, neem is one of the best home remedies for abrasions too. The antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties of neem help the affected area getting treated as soon as possible. For applying neem to the affected skin area, you don’t require making that much effort. Just crush the leaves and apply it directly on the wounded part. Don’t cover it and let it set on the affected area. It’ll protect the area from getting infected and if it has already got infected, neem is capable of disinfecting the area too. Repeat the process 2-3 times a day until you get rid of your problem.

Home Remedies for Abrasions – Can Home Remedies Really Work on Abrasions ?

We humans perform a variety of activities in our everyday life and some little cuts, scraps and abrasions are a part of it. Cutting your finger while using knife for any purpose, slipping on the road while walking or running, hand rubbed hard on the nearby wall while doing some task and many more……… None of you are unfamiliar or inexperienced in this case. For some people these mild accidents are a part of their daily routine while the others remain more careful about their works and hence, are able to avoid these things for a little bit more time.
It’s actually a daily habit of kids getting abrasions on their legs, hands or some other part of the body and running to their moms to get them treated. Isn’t it? Going to doctors for these small things seem quite embarrassing as well and of course, the list of medicines in the prescription is never beneficial for your innocent kid. So, you must be searching for some home remedies for abrasion that can easily treat the wound. We are surely here to give you the detailed explanation of that only and I can commit that the abrasion home remedies we are going to tell you are not like those other websites that write anything just to reach you. Instead all the remedies provided over here will seem to you as the best natural options for abrasion. But, before that let us discuss about problem also because most of you are already familiar of the word “abrasions”, but some might be yet blank in this case.

So, for the blank ones, it is necessary to explain all the details. Abrasion is basically the wound caused by the superficial damage or mild hazard to any of your body parts. This minor injury happens when the top layer of the skin (epidermis) gets rubbed or torn off by intense friction force applied against some rough surface. Abrasions are of mainly two types-
  • the very mild ones known as grazes or scars and
  • quite deep abrasions, that may sometime bleed and leave scars behind even after getting healed.
Although none of the types are that severe to worry about, but, the main problem is scars. The abrasions mainly occur with the children in summers or spring season because of the skin remaining more exposed at that time. While in winters, the risk is low because the skin remains covered with long pants and coats.
If you have just got an abrasion, you must be aware of the feeling of that tingling pain whenever something gets touched to it. It seems really painful and can’t be easily ignored. Cleaning them up just after getting injured is a real challenging task, but, it has to be done every time you get an abrasion on your skin. Abrasions need to be cleaned up that very time they occur because of the dust particles present in them that may lead to some infection. But, if you talk about the treatment process, there is no requirement of making a trip to the emergency room in the nearby hospital; instead they can be easily treated at home using any of the different home remedies for abrasion.

Home Remedies! Are there many home remedies for abrasion? Are there more than one or two ways to get the problem solved? Well, yes. The home remedies for abrasion are not just limited to one or two; they are many more in number.
No matter where on your body you had the abrasion, these remedies are powerful enough to ease your skin and give instant relief from pain and itching. Also all of them are natural; hence you don’t have to worry about any side effect. Some of these home remedies for abrasion are even useful in removing the scars left behind the wound due to the sudden damage of skin tissues. There are a number of other health benefits also of using these home remedies for abrasion, but, we’ll not test your patience anymore. Let’s directly come to the names and details of the most inexpensive and readily available abrasion home remedies.

Home Remedies for Abrasions:

Home Remedies #1- Turmeric

This yellow colored kitchen ingredient is not that you are unfamiliar with. The Asian cuisine cannot be even imagined without turmeric. This ingredient is used in cooking a variety of food. Turmeric plays a vital role in executing the holy marriage rituals of Hindus. Apart from that, almost all the skin and health problems starting from the very common acne to herpes, can be easily treated using turmeric. Your mom must have suggested you to drink a glass of warm milk and turmeric in case of cough and cold. And nothing is new. Even turmeric has been used to fulfill many kitchen oriented and medicinal purposes since years and even ages. Everything is possible due to the antiseptic, antimicrobial, healing, anti-inflammatory, anti-depressant properties.

Turmeric is known to enhance the fairness and glow of the skin and provide complete nourishment to the skin and hence, it is used in many cosmetic creams. Have you ever imagined single kitchen ingredient doing all these stuffs? Well, that’s the magic of nature. A single natural element can solve many of your problems. It’s not over yet. The topic we were talking about is still pending, i.e. abrasions. The curcumin in turmeric is rich in fabulous healing properties that place turmeric among the best home remedies for abrasions. The antiseptic and antibacterial properties of turmeric keep the affected area free from any type of infection as well as provide faster healing.

Apart from all this, turmeric is an amazing immunity enhancer. As you already know that a strong immune system is capable of taking care of everything itself. Hence, by helping our immune system, turmeric takes care of our overall health and beauty. To use turmeric you just need to prepare a paste of it mixing with adequate amount of water. Then apply it directly on the affected area and keep it uncovered. Repeat the process 2-3 times a day for next few days to experience the 
best healing effects