Abrasion Home Remedies #4- Coconut oil
None of you is unfamiliar with this daily usage ingredient of every home. Coconut oil is not limited to be used in any particular field. If you say about the medicinal purposes, the antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory etc. properties make it a perfect treatment solution for many health problems. The next that comes after health is beauty. Coconut oil gives you the best when applied to the skin and hair. It provides the perfect nourishment and glow to the skin as well as the perfect texture and shine to the hair. The moisturizing and soothing properties make is the best friend of your skin and hair. But, do you know about the vital element behind every success of coconut oil?
Well, it is monolaurin. Monolaurin present in coconut oil makes it efficient of performing everywhere we require using it. This vital substance is made up of nontoxic glycerin and lauric acid. Monolaurin is responsible for coconut oil helping our immune system fight against all the foreign attacks done on our body. Being an immune enhancer, coconut oil is also used in cooking various dishes. Although it is not considered that tasty, but, it is full of the nutrients and properties ready to help you everytime you need it.
Apart from all these, coconut oil can be a great help in treating your abrasions too. Its anti-inflammatory, healing and moisturizing properties help healing your abrasion fast. The monolaurin here helps making a thick layer on the affected area and protecting it from the dust or other harmful elements. Using this one out of all the home remedies for abrasions is not that difficult. You just require applying the virgin coconut oil on the affected area and let it set over there. It will speed up the healing process and make you see the results soon.