Feb 8, 2018

Home Remedies for Abrasions – Can Home Remedies Really Work on Abrasions ?

We humans perform a variety of activities in our everyday life and some little cuts, scraps and abrasions are a part of it. Cutting your finger while using knife for any purpose, slipping on the road while walking or running, hand rubbed hard on the nearby wall while doing some task and many more……… None of you are unfamiliar or inexperienced in this case. For some people these mild accidents are a part of their daily routine while the others remain more careful about their works and hence, are able to avoid these things for a little bit more time.
It’s actually a daily habit of kids getting abrasions on their legs, hands or some other part of the body and running to their moms to get them treated. Isn’t it? Going to doctors for these small things seem quite embarrassing as well and of course, the list of medicines in the prescription is never beneficial for your innocent kid. So, you must be searching for some home remedies for abrasion that can easily treat the wound. We are surely here to give you the detailed explanation of that only and I can commit that the abrasion home remedies we are going to tell you are not like those other websites that write anything just to reach you. Instead all the remedies provided over here will seem to you as the best natural options for abrasion. But, before that let us discuss about problem also because most of you are already familiar of the word “abrasions”, but some might be yet blank in this case.

So, for the blank ones, it is necessary to explain all the details. Abrasion is basically the wound caused by the superficial damage or mild hazard to any of your body parts. This minor injury happens when the top layer of the skin (epidermis) gets rubbed or torn off by intense friction force applied against some rough surface. Abrasions are of mainly two types-
  • the very mild ones known as grazes or scars and
  • quite deep abrasions, that may sometime bleed and leave scars behind even after getting healed.
Although none of the types are that severe to worry about, but, the main problem is scars. The abrasions mainly occur with the children in summers or spring season because of the skin remaining more exposed at that time. While in winters, the risk is low because the skin remains covered with long pants and coats.
If you have just got an abrasion, you must be aware of the feeling of that tingling pain whenever something gets touched to it. It seems really painful and can’t be easily ignored. Cleaning them up just after getting injured is a real challenging task, but, it has to be done every time you get an abrasion on your skin. Abrasions need to be cleaned up that very time they occur because of the dust particles present in them that may lead to some infection. But, if you talk about the treatment process, there is no requirement of making a trip to the emergency room in the nearby hospital; instead they can be easily treated at home using any of the different home remedies for abrasion.

Home Remedies! Are there many home remedies for abrasion? Are there more than one or two ways to get the problem solved? Well, yes. The home remedies for abrasion are not just limited to one or two; they are many more in number.
No matter where on your body you had the abrasion, these remedies are powerful enough to ease your skin and give instant relief from pain and itching. Also all of them are natural; hence you don’t have to worry about any side effect. Some of these home remedies for abrasion are even useful in removing the scars left behind the wound due to the sudden damage of skin tissues. There are a number of other health benefits also of using these home remedies for abrasion, but, we’ll not test your patience anymore. Let’s directly come to the names and details of the most inexpensive and readily available abrasion home remedies.

Home Remedies for Abrasions:

Home Remedies #1- Turmeric

This yellow colored kitchen ingredient is not that you are unfamiliar with. The Asian cuisine cannot be even imagined without turmeric. This ingredient is used in cooking a variety of food. Turmeric plays a vital role in executing the holy marriage rituals of Hindus. Apart from that, almost all the skin and health problems starting from the very common acne to herpes, can be easily treated using turmeric. Your mom must have suggested you to drink a glass of warm milk and turmeric in case of cough and cold. And nothing is new. Even turmeric has been used to fulfill many kitchen oriented and medicinal purposes since years and even ages. Everything is possible due to the antiseptic, antimicrobial, healing, anti-inflammatory, anti-depressant properties.

Turmeric is known to enhance the fairness and glow of the skin and provide complete nourishment to the skin and hence, it is used in many cosmetic creams. Have you ever imagined single kitchen ingredient doing all these stuffs? Well, that’s the magic of nature. A single natural element can solve many of your problems. It’s not over yet. The topic we were talking about is still pending, i.e. abrasions. The curcumin in turmeric is rich in fabulous healing properties that place turmeric among the best home remedies for abrasions. The antiseptic and antibacterial properties of turmeric keep the affected area free from any type of infection as well as provide faster healing.

Apart from all this, turmeric is an amazing immunity enhancer. As you already know that a strong immune system is capable of taking care of everything itself. Hence, by helping our immune system, turmeric takes care of our overall health and beauty. To use turmeric you just need to prepare a paste of it mixing with adequate amount of water. Then apply it directly on the affected area and keep it uncovered. Repeat the process 2-3 times a day for next few days to experience the 
best healing effects