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Nov 8, 2016

Easy Fat-Burning Recipe

  • Broccoli & Feta Omelet with Toast

    This easy breakfast recipe, which takes just 15 minutes start to finish, packs a one-two punch that will leave you feeling satisfied yet energized. 

    The broccoli provides filling fiber (and just 30 calories per serving), while the protein-loaded eggs curb appetite and will help stave off those late-morning cravings. 

  • Prep Time: 
  • Cook Time: 
  • Yield: 1 serving (1 omelet and 2 pieces toast)
  • Nutritional Information

    Calories per serving:390
    Fat per serving:19g
    Saturated fat per serving:6g
    Monounsaturated fat per serving:5g
    Polyunsaturated fat per serving:2g
    Protein per serving:23g
    Carbohydrate per serving:35g
    Fiber per serving:6g
    Cholesterol per serving:440mg
    Sodium per serving:550mg
    Rs per serving:1.8g

  • Cooking spray
  • 1 cup chopped broccoli
  • 2 large eggs, beaten
  • 2 tablespoons feta cheese, crumbled
  • 1/4 teaspoon dried dill
  • 2 slices rye bread, toasted


1. Heat a nonstick skillet over medium heat. Coat pan with cooking spray. Add broccoli, and cook 3 minutes.

2. Combine egg, feta, and dill in a small bowl. Add egg mixture to pan. Cook 3 to 4 minutes; flip omelet and cook 2 minutes or until cooked through. Serve with toast.

Home remedies for allergies

1 - Honey is said to cure hay fever because the bee pollen in honey can desensitise your bodey to other pollens. Increasing honey in your daily dietary  intake should reduce hay fever symptoms significantly . The key here is to make sure you are using raw,local,unfiltered honey to see the best results.

Mix 2 tbsp of apple cider vinegar with 1 teaspoon honey into a glass of warm water and drank this three times a day . This  helps relieve symptoms and helps prevent allergy attacks as well .

2 - Tumeric honey super booster 
Take about 5 minutes to make and yields about 1/2 cup aproximatly8-10 servings. 


1/4 cup local, raw honey 
1 teaspoon lemon zest
1 tablespoon ground tumeric 
2 tablespoon apple cider vinegar 
some ground pepper

Mix your ground tumeric in a small mixing bowl to loosen all clumps smooth into a fine powder. 
Then add in the honey , lemon zest and apple cider vinegar.Whisk or stir until smooth.Store it in air-tight container in the refrigerator for up to one week. 

To consume :

  • As a warm tonic  mix 1 tablespoon with 12-16 ounces of warm water + sip

  • As toast topping   2 teaspoon spread on top whole grain toast 

  • In green drink   blend or stir in a tablespoon into your green smothie or juice 

  • Down the hatch   1 large spoonful daily 

Nov 7, 2016

Do you have problems with anemia? We have the solutions for you !

  • Consume a ripe banana with 1 tbsp of honey  2 times a day .

  • Eat a lot of green leafy vvegetables. 

  • Drink a mixture of tomato and apple juice .

  • Cup  beetroot juice, 1 cup of apple juice mixed with either sugar or honey once a day .

  • Soak 10 currants overnight. Remove seeds and have for 3-4 weeks and have first thing in the 


Natural remedies for Acne

1- Mix some fine oatmeal and natural youghurt into thick paste , apply it and let it dry . one must then wash the face with some lukewarm water and then pat dry it.

2- Cook about 2-3 tea bags then mix it with some dried basil for about 20 to 30 minutes .Apply it on the acne with the help of cotton ball

3- Prepare apaste with honey as well as cinnamon powder . Apply the paste while sleeping . then wash the face next morning .

4- Take some milk wich is not boiled, then mix it with gram flour which happens to be effective for washing acne on a daily basis. 

Nov 6, 2016


stomach ache,nausea gas,bad breath ,and other symptoms


You have to drink every day a glass of lukewarm  water  before going to sleep ,and imediately after waking up in the morning 

Other remedies 

Boil three to five basil leaves in a cup of water and then when it is luke warm ,sip it frequently . you can sweeten this with honey


Drink plain buttermilk several times a day until you get relief . Mix in a litle black pepper or one teaspoon of ground coriander leaves for best results.

Aug 30, 2016

Garlic Honey Cough and Cold Syrup,home remedy

This will help relieve sore throats and 

coughs. I've given 2 other remedies which 


1/2 cupUS
  • 10small garlic cloves (or 5 large)
  • 12cup honey
  • water (optional)
  • lemon juice (optional)


  1. Peel garlic cloves, put into a jar and cover with honey.
  2. Set in warm place for 2 weeks or more until the garlic turns opaque.
  3. Take 1 teaspoonful as needed to get relief.
  4. Dilute with a little water or lemon juice to help it go down easier. Children like it better this way too.
  5. Variation for sore throat:.
  6. 2 teaspoons honey.
  7. 1 teaspoon fresh lemon juice or to taste.
  8. 1 cup water.
  9. Boil water, add honey and lemon. Drink to relieve sore throat.
  10. Another good thing to do when you have a sore throat is:.
  11. Gargle with hot salt water.
  12. 1/2 teaspoon salt to 8 ounces of water 4-5 times a day.

Ma's Cough Syrup,home remedy

This is a cough syrup you can make and take all you 

want. My mother made this for me as a child and I did the

same for my two kids and grandchildren. It tastes good 

and is all natural. It does help the tickle. The vinegar cuts

the molasses and the 

butter makes it smooth.


1 cup   UNITs  US
  • 14cup molasses
  • 34teaspoon vinegar
  • 1tablespoon butter


  1. In a pan heat the molasses, vinegar, and butter.
  2. Pour into a special mug for your child.
  3. Stick a plastic spoon in it and all you have to do when you want it reheated is to put it in the microwave for only a VERY SHORT time and it will be hot and ready for another dose.
  4. At night, put a heating pad on LOW with a facecloth on top of it and set the cup on it so that it will be warm when needed during the night--(try this during the day so you will know if it is the right temperature to leave on at night).
  5. If you have a couple of kids with a cough, make them each one of their own.

Cough Medicine,home remedy

This is a home remedy for that horrible

 cough that you just can't get rid of, and 

best of all: you probably already have all

 of the ingredients!



4-8 dosesUS
  • 14teaspoon cayenne pepper
  • 14teaspoon ground ginger
  • 1tablespoon honey
  • 1tablespoon apple cider vinegar
  • 2tablespoons water


  1. Mix ingredients.
  2. Take by the teaspoon as often as needed for cough.
  3. Do not give to infants under 12 months due to the honey (though I doubt you could get them to take it 

Jan 15, 2016

Tubercolosis (T.B)


 clarified butter ,black pepper seeds ,asafoetida powder.                       Fry 10 black pepper seeds in clarified butter .Add pinch of asafoetida powder Allow the mixture to cool .divide into 3 doses eat them throught the day .

Jan 11, 2016

Reciept for tuberculosis (T.B).Home remedy

To prepare another Home remedy for tuberculosis (T.B) Take 1 glass of orange juice ,add a pinch of salt,add  1 Tbsp honey ,mix it well and drink every day.

Natural remedy for pimple using almonds and milks

At first soak 8-9 almonds in could water and leave them for 12 hours .Peel and crush them adding a litle milks to make a paste ,apply it on blemishes.Leave it overnight and Wash with could water in the morning .Do this for at least to weaks.

Home Remedy using potatos for pimples

Take and slice a potato ,rub it for 10 minutes to the affected area.Do this 2-3 Times a day


What you have to do in this case, is crushing some mint leaves into a fine paste ,applying this paste on the blemishes .Leaving it for 20 minutes , then washing off with cold water 

Natural remedy for diabetes using fenugreek seeds

1 - For the first thing you have to take 4 tbsp of fenugreek seeds.
2 - Then soak them in 250 ml of water overnight.
3 - Crush them in the morning.
4 - What you have to do is straining the mixture and collecting the water.
5 - Drik this everyday for 2 month.

Natural remedy for diabets using cinnamon powder

1 -Boil 1 liter of water
2 - Let it simmer for 20 minutes on low flame
3 -wile the water is simmering add in it 3 tsp of cinnamon powder
4 - And the next step  strain the mixture
5 - You have to drink the entire amount of this water everyday

Natural remedy using bitter groud,for diabets

1- The first thing to do is removing the skin and the seeds of 4-5 bitter grouds

2 - the second thing is crushing them and making a paste.

3 - press this paste on a sieve an extraxt the juice .

4 - drink this juice on an empty stomak every morning