Dec 25, 2013

Impotence: medicinal and natural remedies

The Romanian folk
 medicine prescribes a
recipe with miraculous
results in cases of
impotence or lack of sexual appetite:1. The recipe consists of fruits and vegetables as a result of hand to all those who are interested:

celery (about 1.5 kg) 
1 kg of carrots washed thoroughly with a brush (not to remove the peel),

 1 kg of apple Jonathan a more special taste,

 1/2 kg of walnuts,

 2-3 pieces of lemon,

 2-3 pieces of orange,

 1/2 kg of honey a 

bottle of white wine

All of these fruits and vegetables cleaned and chopped, mixed and homogenized in wine is kept in the refrigerator for a week, for maceration.The use of two tablespoons three times a day, half an hour before meals works wonders!2. In the case of sexual appetite, a lack of sexual desire can be used with confidence hay greek (Trigonela foenum-graecum).The active ingredients contained in the seeds awaken sensuality, eroticism enhance, stimulate sexual feelings and acts of the show ... is also a rich source of vitamin PP! Romanian Folk medicine uses this plant to increase metabolism, stimulate the central nervous system and neuromuscular stimulation ... for the sexual function.3. Another miracle plant is Dactylorhiza maculata, known as "Viagra Romanian" Gateway to the popular name "sculatoare" (raising) Whole plant or just the tubers have aphrodisiac properties. It is also used by women who want to have children.

4.Others natural treatments: cinnamon, celery seed, gentian root, ginger, mint leaves, rosemary, thyme, saffron stigmas:Preparation: 20g celery seeds, Gentiana root 30 g, 20 g mint leaves, rosemary leaves, 40 g, 40 g thyme leaves. Use a tablespoon of the mixture in a cup of water. Boil for 2-3 minutes and let infusare for another ten minutes. Drink 2-3 cups a day.Tonic Wine: cinnamon 5 g, 20 g Gentiana root, ginger root 20 g, safflower 0.50 g in one liter of white or red wine. 

Let steep for a week and then shake and filter. Drink a glass before meals.Sesame seedsSesame, has a higher energy value, is rich in vitamin E, and stimulates significantly virility. In India it is called "rasayana," which means "that which prolongs life."A spin-off of sesame, is the halva with sesame and honey, which is one of the best aphrodisiac foods.The bear claw, or spondilio hogweed (Heracleum L. sphondylium) - (ginseng Romanian)It 'a very vigorous perennial herb with stems alti.Fiorisce in the month of July to August. It is a powerful aphrodisiac, which acts directly on the genital apparatus (vasodilation). 

It 's very useful in the treatment of impotence. They are especially roots and seeds that can be used but, if necessary, also the leaves and stems.The powder of roots or seeds, is used in doses up to 2 grams three times giorno.La root, has the maceration time of 10 giorni.Gli stems, leaves and seeds, macerated in 6 giorni.La dose of dyeing is 2 ml three times a day.Attention: This plant can cause allergic reactions, peripheral vasodilation, hypotension. It is recommended to start treatment with a pinch of powder or 1 ml of tincture a day to see if the reactions do not appear allergiche.Se is not noticed an intolerance of the body, you can increase your dose, up to the limits mentioned.

The language of the cuckoo (Botrychium Lunaria)is a natural aphrodisiac exceptional.It also grows in Romania, in the mountainous region of La Valle Teleajen and is particularly famous for its aphrodisiac effects. The plant prefers moist soils, meadows and bushes around the mountain streams.The stem is slightly truncated and red at the top, and may have a height of 15-65cm.The leaves are dark green, and on top of the spots have marroni.I flowers, pink or red, with purple spots arranged symmetrically bloom from June to July.For therapeutic purposes, using the whole plant, but the aphrodisiac effect, and given the use of tubers, collected in the flowering period.

The language of the cuckoo, contains volatile oils, phytosterols, resin, active ingredients, furocumarine, choline, mucilage, tannins, organic acids and is recommended for frigidity, impotence, infertility for women.The preparations of this plant, has aphrodisiac action, stimulates the sexual appetite, being considered the Romanian Viagra.Has a role in genital vasodilation, stimulates the activity of the gonads and the secretion of sex hormones, excites the nervous system, fights impotence and frigidity.Can be administered as infusions or tinture.L 'infused is obtained by pouring 200 ml of boiling water over a spoon of dry plant, in which the tuber must also exist. Leave to infuse for five minutes and then is colato.Si drink two tea per day.

The tincture is prepared with whole plant fresh, chopped, put into a baratolo and pour the alcohol at 70 degrees, covering the whole plant tritata.La mixture is left to macerate for 2 weeks then filtered and stored in the cold and dry from light in dark bottles.It takes three times a day, a teaspoon.A popular recipe, with remarkable results, recommended to crush 6-8 bulbs Language of the cuckoo in a mortar, and then pour over 100g of grappa fairy in the house.The mixture is put in a bottle or a jar, left to macerate for 12 hours, overnight, and then filtered. The preparation is drunk during the day. The treatment lasts for 1-2 weeks.

The treatment is not recommended for people with hypertension, only under the strict supervision of a doctor and his recommendation, and not for pregnant women.You can add:a) efect specifically aphrodisiac:Dacthiloriza maculata, Orchis morio (Anacamptis morio), Tribulus terrestris, Eurycoma longifolia, Trigonella foenum graecum, Rhodiola Rosea, Maca (Lepidium meyenii), Yohimbe (Pausinystalia yohimbe), Muira Puama (Pthycopetalum olacoides), Turnera diffusa, kola nut (Kola acuminata), Nardostachys jatamansi, guarana (Paullinia cupana) truffles, rhino horn, cantarida (Lytta vesicatoria cantharidin), horns lucanidi (Tusker).b) containing the principles aphrodisiacs:Wild carrot, celery, carrots, parsnips, basil, fir, fennel, pinolli, nutmeg, nuts, ginger, pepper, grape, licorice, cinnamon, garlic, cardamom, sesame seeds, chick peas, mushrooms, onion, eggs, milk ( especially goat), fish eggs (especially salmon), conchigli, honey, pollen, and of course ... red wine