Dec 25, 2013

Natural Remedies Anti-aging: the discovery

The first wrinkles begin to appear when you least expect it , when you have not yet taken into account the idea that sooner or later the signs of aging come knocking at your door . But do not worry , because there are several natural remedies to prevent  . First of all, the daily consumption of at least five servings of fruits and and vegetables, helps considerably to keep the skin elastic fabric , to keep us young you know ...

Then apply the rules you already know and who knows how many magazines you have already repeated to exhaustion :

No smoking.
Practice Exercise .
Protect your face and neck with cosmetic products for your skin .
Not overly export to sunlight and do not exceed the lamps .
Nutrition care to avoid processed and refined foods which are reflected on your skin toxins and preferring natural foods and healthy in the first place - as mentioned above - fruits and vegetables .
On this last point , there are fruits or vegetables that carry the most effective anti-aging action , such as citrus fruits. Why citrus fruits ? Because they contain in their peel and pulp , hesperidin , a flavonoid which is an effective antioxidant , besides vasoprotector that increases the efficiency of collagen and connective tissue .

Among the various products on the market, I found a supplement that exploits the properties of hesperidin : Anti Age of Cellulaire Inneov which contains , in addition, also vitamin C and selenium , a mineral that protects against oxidative damage .

The product, which you can find in the pharmacy at a price of approximately $ 36.50 , is taken as the rate of two tablets daily , preferably with food.

The results can be seen , there is no doubt about that ( on me has definitely worked) . But careful not to neglect the same old boring rules I've listed above , because without them there is no natural remedy , as prodigious , that it can take effect.