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May 29, 2019

Home Remedies for Bedwetting

1. Cinnamon
cinnamon for bedwetting
Cinnamon is one of the simplest home remedies for your child to stop bedwetting. It is believed that this spice keeps the body warm.
  • Have your child chew a piece of cinnamon stick thoroughly once a day.
  • You can also combine sugar and cinnamon powder and then sprinkle it on buttered toast. Give this toast to your child for breakfast.
2. Indian Gooseberry
Indian gooseberry, also known as amla, is an excellent Ayurvedic remedy for bedwetting.
bed wetting home remedy using Indian gooseberry

  • Crush and deseed two Indian gooseberries. Add one tablespoon of honey and a pinch of turmeric. Give one tablespoon of this mixture to your child every morning.
  • Another option is to give your child one teaspoon of the pulp of Indian gooseberry mixed with a pinch of black pepper powder.

May 28, 2019

Home Remedies for Eczema

1. Coconut Oil
Coconut oil is one of the most popular remedies for eczema. It has antifungal, antibacterial, antimicrobial and antioxidant properties.
Plus, it is a storehouse of healthy vitamins and nutrients, such as lauric acid and vitamins K and E, that help combat itchiness and soothe the skin. For best results, use unrefined, virgin, cold-pressed coconut oil.
  • Apply coconut oil directly on the affected skin several times a day to get instant relief from itching or mild pain. Continue for as many days as needed until the symptoms are gone completely.
  • You can also consume two to four tablespoons of coconut oil daily to help alleviate eczema symptoms and improve your overall immunity. You can simply swallow the coconut oil or add it to your foods or drinks.
2. Colloidal Oatmeal
Colloidal oatmeal (very finely ground oatmeal) can be very effective in treating eczema. It contains anti-irritating, anti-inflammatory and soothing properties that ease itchiness and reduce pain.
  • Add one to two cups of colloidal oatmeal to a bath tub filled with lukewarm water. Soak in it for at least 15 to 20 minutes. Pat dry your skin gently, and then apply a mild moisturizer.
  • Alternatively, add one tablespoon of cold milk to two tablespoons of colloidal oatmeal to make a thick paste. Apply this paste on the affected area, massaging gently for a minute. Allow the paste to sit for 15 to 20 minutes, and then rinse it off with cool water.

Repeat either of these remedies three or four times a week for a few months to notice improvement.

Home Remedies for Pimples

1. Lemon Juice
  • Lemon juice can effectively treat pimples within a few days. It contains high vitamin C content, which is good for all types of skin, and its acidic property helps exfoliate the skin. Plus, it is an astringent that will help dry out pimples quickly.
  • Dip a cotton ball in two tablespoons of fresh lemon juice and apply it on your pimples. Leave it on for 20 minutes and then wash it off with lukewarm water. Repeat the process two or three times a day for a few days.
  • Thoroughly mix equal amounts of lemon juice and rose water. Apply the mixture on the pimples and leave it on for about 30 minutes. Then, wash your face with lukewarm water. Do this twice daily for a week.
  • Mix one tablespoon of lemon juice with one teaspoon of ground nut oil and apply it on the affected skin area. Allow it to dry on its own before rinsing it off with lukewarm water. Do this once daily for a week.
Note: For faster results, use fresh lemon juice instead of the packaged version, which contains preservatives.
2. Toothpaste
The toothpaste that you use to clean your teeth can also be used to treat pimples. Toothpaste can help dry out pimples quickly due to ingredients like baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, alcohol and menthol. However, you must only use white toothpaste. Do not use whitening, gel, or colored toothpastes.
pimple home remedy
  • Apply a little toothpaste on your pimples.
  • Leave it on for two hours or overnight.
  • Wash it off with a damp washcloth and then apply a soothing moisturizer.
  • Repeat once daily for a week or two.

Note: If toothpaste causes irritation, try other remedies.

Home Remedies for Pneumonia

1. Garlic
Garlic has antimicrobial properties that fight off bacteria, viruses and fungi. It also helps bring down the body temperature and increases expectoration to clear phlegm out of the chest and lungs.
  • Mix one cup of milk in four cups of water and add one-half teaspoon of crushed garlic to it. Boil the solution until it reduces to one-fourth of the original amount. Drink it three times a day.
  • Another way to use garlic is to marinate crushed garlic cloves in a mixture of equal amounts of fresh lemon juice and honey. Take two to three teaspoons of this, three or four times a day.
  • You can also rub a garlic paste or garlic juice on your chest.
  • If you do no like the strong taste and smell of garlic, you can drink ginger tea for relief.

2. Cayenne Pepper
Cayenne pepper has high capsaicin content that stimulates the release of mucous from the respiratory passages. Thus, it helps clear the mucus from the respiratory system. Cayenne pepper is also a good source of beta-carotene, which helps in the healthy development of mucus membranes.

  • Mix some lemon juice and a dash of cayenne pepper in an eight-ounce glass of water. Drink it a few times a day.
  • You can also mix cayenne pepper in a cup of carrot juice. Both are beneficial for treating pneumonia.

Home Remedies for Yellow Teeth

1. Baking Soda
Baking soda is one of the best ingredients that you can use to get rid of yellow teeth. It will help remove plaque and make your pearly whites shine.
  • Mix a quarter teaspoon of baking soda with a little toothpaste. Brush your teeth with this gritty mixture and rinse with warm water. Use it once or twice a week.
  • Alternatively, you can combine baking soda with lemon juice, white vinegar, or hydrogen peroxide.
  • You can make a whitening mouthwash by mixing one tablespoon of baking soda and one and a half teaspoons of hydrogen peroxide with one cup of cold water. Rinse with the mouthwash two or three times a day.
  • You can also scrub your teeth gently for at least two minutes with diluted baking soda. Do this twice in the first week, and then every 15 days. It is essential to note that excess use of baking soda can strip your teeth of its natural enamel.
2. Orange Peel
Cleaning your teeth with fresh orange peel on a regular basis will reduce the yellow tinge accumulated on your teeth.
  • Rub orange peel over your teeth every night before going to sleep. The vitamin C and calcium in the orange peel will combat the microorganisms throughout the night.
  • Do this for a few weeks and you will notice effective results.
If fresh orange peel is not available, you can use dried orange peel powder.

Home Remedies for Foot Pain

1. Hot and Cold Water
Hot-and cold-water therapy can be effective in treating foot pain. The hot treatment will promote blood flow, and the cold treatment will reduce inflammation.
  • Fill one bucket with cold water and another with bearable hot water. Sit in a comfortable chair, dip your feet in the hot water for three minutes and then do the same with cold water for at least 10 seconds or up to a minute. Repeat the whole process two or three times and end with cold foot bath.
  • Another option is to apply a heat pad and an ice pack alternately for 10 minutes to reduce pain.

2. Vinegar
Vinegar is used in various treatments and can help with foot pain due to sprains or strains as it reduces inflammation.

  • Fill a tub with hot water. Add two tablespoons of vinegar in it. You can also mix sea salt or Epsom salt in it. If you do not have any of these, just use table salt. Soak your feet in it for about 20 minutes.
  • Alternatively, put a mixture of equal amounts of vinegar and water in two containers. Use cold water in one and hot water in the other. Soak a towel in the hot mixture, squeeze out the excess liquid and then wrap it around your foot. Leave it wrapped for five minutes. Do the same using the cold mixture. Repeat the whole process at least three or four times daily.

Home Remedies for Chickenpox

1. Baking Soda
Baking soda can help control the itchiness and irritation from chickenpox.
  • Stir one-half tablespoon of baking soda in a glass of water. Use a soft washcloth to put the solution on the affected parts of the body and allow it to dry.
  • Another option is to mix one-half or one cup of baking soda in your bath water and soak in it.
2. Indian Lilac
  • Indian lilac, also known as margosa or neem is useful in the treatment of chicken pox as it has antiviral properties. Furthermore, it helps dry out the blisters and relieves itching to a great extent.

Take a handful of neem leaves, crush them and apply the paste on the affected areas. Adding neem leaves in bath water is also beneficial.

Home Remedies for Minor Burns

1. Cold Water
Stop a burn from spreading by running cold water over the burn area for several minutes within seconds of being burned.
You can also place a cold compress over the affected area. Repeat the remedy every few hours to relieve the discomfort. Do not use ice as it can restrict blood flow, which can eventually cause damage to the delicate tissues.
2. Raw Potato
Raw potato can treat minor skin burns due to its anti-irritating and soothing properties. It will alleviate the pain and reduce the chance of having blisters.

  • Simply cut a slice of raw potato and rub it on the burn, making sure the juice from the potato is releasing over the area.
  • Another option is to grate a raw potato and apply it on the affected area for about 15 minutes.
  • For best results, use either of these remedies soon after the burn occurs.

May 27, 2019

Home Remedies for Keloids

1. Apple Cider Vinegar
A great home remedy for treating keloids is apple cider vinegar because it helps minimize the size and redness of the scar.
  • Apply apple cider vinegar directly on the affected area and gently massage it so the vinegar is well absorbed into the skin.
  • Allow it to dry for a few minutes, and then repeat the process in order to expedite healing.
  • Do this several times a day for maximum results and continue this treatment for four to five weeks.
If the apple cider vinegar causes any skin irritation, you can dilute it with water. You can also use pure tea tree oil.
2. Baking Soda
Baking soda acts as an abrasive agent and helps exfoliate the skin. It can also be used successfully to manage keloids.
Keloids home remedy
Baking Soda Home Remedy to Treat keloids

  • Mix one part baking soda with three parts hydrogen peroxide to make a smooth paste.
  • Apply the paste directly on the affected area to reduce inflammation and speed up the healing process.
  • Do this three or four times a day depending upon the severity of the scar.

Home Remedies for Warts

1. Garlic
Garlic has antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal properties that fight viral infections.
  • Crush a garlic clove and apply it on the affected area. Cover it with a bandage.
  • Leave it on for about 20 minutes and then wash the area thoroughly.
  • Repeat this treatment twice daily for about a week. The caustic effect of the garlic will cause the wart to blister and fall off. Larger warts may take longer to heal.
If you do not like the smell of garlic, you can take garlic capsules three times a day for a week.
2. Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar also has antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal properties.

  • Dilute two parts apple cider vinegar in one part water.
  • Apply this solution on the affected area using a clean cotton ball. Cover the area with a bandage or tape.
  • Repeat this simple remedy for a few weeks. Within a few days, the warts will start turning black. Soon after, the warts will fall off leaving a small mark that will gradually vanish.

Home Remedies for Bipolar Disorder

1. Fish Oil
Being rich in omega-3 fatty acids, fish oil can help in the treatment of bipolar disorder. Its EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) content is essential for hormone production and nerve tissue health. Fish oil improves the functionality of brain and helps overcome depression.
  • So, take fish oil supplements. For proper dosage, consult your doctor. Also, you can regularly eat fatty fish such as albacore tuna, mackerel, salmon, herring and trout which are rich in omega-3 fatty acids.
2. Brahmi
Brahmi, also known as bacopa, is another useful herb for bipolar disorder because it works as a mild stimulant as well as sedative. It also helps enhance memory and relieves mental strain.
  • Drink a few teaspoons of juice extracted from brahmi leaves daily for several weeks. Another option is consume brahmi ghee prepared by frying brahmi leaves in clarified butter (ghee).
  • Alternatively, take this herb in supplement form. For proper dosage, consult your doctor.
  • An invigorating head massage with brahmi oil is also beneficial.

Home Remedies for Backache

1. Ginger
Ginger root, which is used to cure vomiting, can also be used in the treatment of back pain. The anti-inflammatory compounds in ginger can give you relief from a backache.
ginger tea for backache
  • Apply some ginger paste on the affected area, followed by eucalyptus oil.
  • Cut 4 to 6 thin slices of fresh ginger root and put them in one and one-half cups of water. Simmer and boil it on low heat for 10 to 15 minutes. Allow the mixture to cool to room temperature and strain it. Add honey and then drink it. You can drink this ginger tea two or three times a day for a few days or until you see improvement.
  • You can also make an herbal tea with one-half teaspoon of black pepper corns, one-half teaspoon of cloves and one teaspoon of ginger powder.
2. Basil Leaves
Basil leaves can also come to your rescue when suffering from a backache.
basil tea for backache

  • Add 8 to 10 basil leaves to one cup of water and boil it until the water evaporates to half.
  • Let it cool to room temperature and then add a pinch of salt.
  • For mild pain, drink this concoction once daily; for severe pain, drink it twice daily.

Home Remedies for Laryngitis

1. Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar has antimicrobial properties that help fight infections and thus can be used to treat laryngitis.
  • Mix two tablespoons of raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar and a tablespoon of honey in half a cup of water. To increase the effectiveness of this remedy, you can add a little cayenne pepper too. Drink it twice a day.
  • Prepare a solution by mixing one tablespoon of raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar in a glass of warm water. Gargle with the solution several times a day until you get relief.
2. Onion Syrup
Onion syrup acts as a natural expectorant and is an effective natural cure for larynx inflammation.

  • Cut up three to four medium-sized onions. Simmer the pieces in four cups of water until the solution thickens to a syrup-like consistency.
  • Mix five tablespoons of the onion syrup in a glass of warm water. Add one tablespoon of honey and a few drops of lemon juice.
  • Sip the mixture slowly.

Home Remedies for Cracked Heels

1. Vegetable Oil
A variety of vegetable oils can be used to treat and prevent cracked heels. Olive oil, sesame oil, coconut oil or any other hydrogenated vegetable oil will work. For best results, use this remedy before going to bed to allow ample time for the oil to fully penetrate your skin.
cracked heel home remedy using oil
Vegetable Oil Home Remedy to Heal Cracked Heels
  • First soak your feet in soapy water and scrub your feet with a pumice stone.
  • Wash your feet and then dry them thoroughly
  • Apply any vegetable oil liberally on your heels and soles.
  • Put on a pair of clean socks and leave them on overnight while you sleep. In the morning, your heels will be noticeably softer.
  • Repeat this for a few days until the cracks in your heels are gone completely.
2. Rice Flour
Exfoliating the skin on your feet and heels will help remove dead skin, thus preventing  cracking and dryness. Rice flour can be used a part of a homemade exfoliating scrub.
cracked heel remedy

  • To make the scrub, mix a handful of ground rice with a few teaspoons of honey and apple cider vinegar. Stir it until it becomes a thick paste. If the cracking on your heels is extremely bad, add a tablespoon of olive oil or sweet almond oil.
  • Soak your feet in warm water for 10 minutes and then gently scrub them with the rice flour paste.
  • Repeat the process a few times a week until you are satisfied with the results.

Home Remedies for High Cholesterol

1. Coriander Seeds
Research has shown that coriander helps lower the levels of total cholesterol, LDL (the ‘bad’ cholesterol), and triglycerides. Coriander seeds also have hypoglycemic effects and can be useful in diabetes management.
high cholestrol home remedy
  • Add two teaspoons of coriander seed powder to one cup of water.
  • Boil the mixture and then strain it.
  • Drink this once or twice a day. You can add milk, sugar, and cardamom to it and use it as a replacement for your regular tea.
If you do not have coriander seed powder, then simply use coriander seeds or dry roast and grind them to make the powder.
2. Onions
Red onions are beneficial in dealing with high cholesterol. Scientists in Hong Kong found that they help reduce bad cholesterol and elevate good cholesterol levels. This, in turn, lowers the risk of developing heart disease.

  • Mix one teaspoon each of onion juice and honey. Drink it once daily.
  • Add one finely chopped onion and one-quarter teaspoon of pepper to one cup of buttermilk. Consume it on a regular basis.
  • Also include onion, ginger, and garlic in your diet.

Home Remedies for Insomnia

1. Cumin Seeds
Cumin is a culinary spice with medicinal properties that aid in digestion. In traditional Ayrvedic medicine, it has been used to induce sleep. Cumin oil, too, has a tranquilizing effect.
  • Mix one teaspoon of cumin powder in a mashed banana and eat it before going to bed. If you do not have the powder, dry roast and grind cumin seeds to make the powder.
  • You can also have cumin tea to ease tiredness and fatigue; insomnia and fatigue often go hand-in-hand. To prepare the tea, heat one teaspoon of cumin seeds on low heat for about five seconds, add one cup of water and bring the mixture to a boil. Turn off the heat, cover the container and let it sit for about five minutes. Finally, strain and drink this cumin tea before bedtime.

2. Nutmeg
Nutmeg has sedative properties and works as a natural sleep aid.

  • Add one-eighth teaspoon or just a dash of nutmeg powder to a cup of warm milk. Drink it before bedtime.
  • Alternatively, you can add one-quarter teaspoon of freshly ground nutmeg to a cup of warm water or any fruit juice. Drink it before bedtime.
  • You can also mix a dash of nutmeg powder in one tablespoon of Indian gooseberry (amla) juice. Consume this three times a day. In addition to insomnia, it will also treat indigestion and depression.

Home Remedies to Increase Sperm Count

1. Maca Root
Maca root of the black variety can help improve sperm production and motility. It is a popular fertility herb that helps balance the hormones.
  • Take 1 to 3 teaspoons of maca root in 2 divided doses for a few months daily. You can add it to a glass of water, a healthy smoothie or protein shake, or just sprinkle it on cereal. As maca root is high in fiber, start by taking ½ teaspoon and gradually increase the dosage over a few weeks.
2. Ashwagandha
A 2013 pilot study by Indian researchers, published in Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, found that ashwagandha root extract can significantly increase sperm count, semen volume and sperm motility. The study participants were given 675 mg of ashwagandha root extract in 3 divided doses, daily for 90 days.
  • Plus, this herb promotes healthy testosterone production. It also improves your overall health, increases vitality and reduces stress and anxiety.
  • Mix ½ teaspoon of ashwagandha powder, also known as Indian ginseng, in a glass of warm milk. Drink it twice daily for a few months.
  • Another option is to take ashwagandha root extract. Consult your doctor for proper dosage.

Home Remedies for Osteoporosis

1. Prunes
Eating prunes (dried plums) on a daily basis helps prevent fractures and osteoporosis. This has been proven by a Florida State University study published in 2011 in the British Journal of Nutrition.
Prunes are good for your bones due to their high concentration of polyphenols, an antioxidant that helps reduce bone loss. Plus, prunes are a good source of boron and copper, two trace minerals important in bone formation.
It is recommended that people of all ages eat two to three dried plums daily, and gradually increase the amount to six to 10 per day to prevent osteoporosis.
2. Apples
  • An apple a day can keep osteoporosis at bay. The unique combination of antioxidants like polyphenols and flavonoids makes the apple a bone-healthy powerhouse.
  • According to French researchers, the flavonoid called phloridzin present in apples helps protect postmenopausal women from osteoporosis by improving inflammation markers and increasing bone density.
  • Also, apples are rich in boron, a trace mineral that helps the body hold on to calcium, which is the building block of bones as well as muscles.
  • To enjoy the bone benefits of apples, eat them along with the skin. Also, opt for organic apples to avoid pesticides and synthetic waxes.